This Is How I Disappear (Part Two)

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We got a ticket going home cause of Frank's reckless driving. But it was fun.

"This was amazing Frankie." I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Frank smiled back and blushed.

"Gerard." I heard Riley say, with anger in her voice. "Yes?" I asked. "I'm leaving. You seem happier with Frank anyway."

My jaw dropped.

---(Riley's Point Of View)---

"I'm leaving. You seem happier with Frank anyway." I snapped, leaving his jaw dropped. Frank just stood there. Probably enjoying all this. "!" He yelled. "No! You rather be with Frank! I know you do! I used to work at a bar! And I saw couples cheating all the time! I WON'T be the girl!" I yelled. "I'm sorry! Please! Please!" He begged. I'm not giving in. "No..just..just leave." I whispered. "Baby.."

"LEAVE!" I yelled.

He said nothing, tears started forming in his face, and mine as well. He ran out the door and took my car..great.


If..if he inhales any type of smoke..Mr. Ford said his cancer will come back! SHIT!

"We need to chase after him!" I yelled to Frank and Ray. "I thought you hated him." Frank snapped. "No! I love him! I just thought he loved you more!" I shouted. "Why now all of a sudden then?" Frank asked. "Any type of smoke can trigger his cancer back! Who knows where he's going!"

"Shit.." Ray and Frank mumbled in unison.

"We need to find him!" I yelled. "Well, he drove that way.." Ray said, pointing right. "Go get him..Frank and I will go left just incase he went left.."

"Ok.." I whispered and ran to Frank's crappy car. I opened the door softly and got in, as soon as the car turned on, music roared. But I decided music wasn't the best right now, so I turned it off.

I drove around, hoping I'll find him, but so far: no luck. The last place I knew was the train station..And that place has TONS of smoke..I'm hoping I won't find him there.

I drove quickly to the train station, I got out of Frank's car and looked around. No Gerard. I went under the tunnel where all the smoke is..and guess who I found..Gerard..

He looked up at me, eyes in tears. "Gerard!" I yelled and ran to him. He looked bad. His face was once again pale like when he had cancer; his eyes had bags under them. The point is, he looked bad. "I don't deserve to have you.." He whispered, crying. "Gerard..I love you..I want you.." I cried softly. "I love you more than Frank..why did you think otherwise?" He asked. "You just looked so much more happy. I thought you wanted to-" I was cut off by his lips on mine. I kissed back of course.

After a good forty seconds, I pulled away. "Gerard..we need to call 911." I say, looking down. "Why?" He questioned. "Your cancer might be back.."

At that very moment he started wheezing. "Gerard?!" I yelled. No answer just more wheezing. "Gerard!!" I cried. I quickly got my phone out and called 911. I explained to them what happened. Now I have to wait. They better fucking hurry. "Gerard.." I whispered. "He still couldn't breath..

"Where the fuck is the ambulance?!" I yelled more to myself. Gerard just laid there..looking horrible as ever.

After maybe two minutes, a big white truck with symbols on it showed up.

Finally the ambulance arrived.

I tried to pick up Gerard but failed. The paramedic came over and put Gerard on the stretcher. "Can I come?" I asked. He nodded.

---(Meanwhile With Mrs. Goode)---

(Mrs. Goode's Point Of View)

My plan was working perfectly. I led Gerard to this smokey place, and now, there's a BIG perfect he might die. Just like my mother. I watched as the paramedics got here and Riley crying. Ha. She's going to loose the one that she loves. At least I still have my husband.

(A/N: It's a short POV, but you get the point)

---(Meanwhile with Riley And Gerard)---

(Riley's Point Of View)

"Rainbow.." Gerard coughed. "Yes?" I answered. "Is there anyway you can see if you're pregnant?" He wheezed. I was about to answer but a paramedic cut me off. "We have an extra pregnancy test here, if you wanna use that, but you'll have to pee in front of us." He said. "Please?" Gerard pleaded. "For you..fine.." I whispered. I really didn't want to pee in pubic..but for Gerard. I will. "I grabbed the pregnancy test and pulled down my pants, "here." The paramedic said, handing me a jar. "So you don't get pee on your clothes." He nodded. "Thanks." I said. I pulled down my underwear and put the jar below. I thought of every type of water so I would pee.

It finally worked after three minutes of thinking of streams and waterfalls. "Done." I said, pulled up my pants. The paramedic put on gloves and grabbed the test. "It'll be ready in five minutes, and we'll be there in five minutes, so Mr. Way, you'll find out before you enter your room." He half-smiled. "Which hospital are we going to?" I asked. "It depends, what's going on? Does be have or had any diseases?" He questioned. "Cancer.." I whispered. "Then we're going to St. Mary's Cancer Hospital." He said 'great..' I thought to myself. I nodded and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.

"We're here! Hurry Mr. Way to his room!" One paramedic said to another. "Wait!" I yelled. He looked up. "Am I pregnant?" I asked. He looked at the test the looked back at me. "Yes! You're pregnant! Congrats!" He yelled. I saw Gerard faintly smile before he was taken into the hospital.

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"When the water touched my balls, that's when I got scared." ~ Frank Iero. (This Quote Is When They Were Filming 'The Ghost Of You' Music Video)

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