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OH MY GOD. GUYS. RAY IS GONNNA HAVE LITTLE FRO BABIES. AND apparently Mikeys a cheater. Listen, if you know about the whole Mikey and Sarah shit, you'll understand. WE DON'T KNOW THE WHOLE TRUE STORY! please. There's way too many people flipping balls about this. So Mikey and Alicia aren't together's not the end of the world, we love My Chemical Romance cause of their music not their actions. I'm tired of hearing "I've lost all respect for Mikey" & "Mikey used to be my hero". He's still the same person, people. He's also human. Everyone makes mistakes! And we don't know the real story anyway! We don't know Sarah's side and we don't know Alicia's and Mikeys side. These are just rumors and the truth will come out soon. Just please, don't hate Mikey, it's his life and we shouldn't be getting involved.

ANYWAY. On with the story. ~ Neon Dream

---(Meanwhile With Frank)---

(Frank's Point Of View)

It's been three days since my best friends death. This is all Riley's fault. But anyway, I've been getting along really well with Violet. The girl I met the other day. I told her about Gerard and she has been comforting me. Is it wrong to say I might love her already? I mean...she's exactly like Gerard. So artistic, same sassiness, just everything about her reminds me of Gerard. She even kinda looks like him. Except she has blonde hair. Gerard originally had black hair.

I realized that Gerard is gone, and he's never coming back..I started to feel really depressed. I knew where this is going to go if I don't call Violet. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

After Four or three rings she answered. "Hello?" She said.

"Hey, Violet."

"Oh, hey Frankie!"

"Can you please come over?...I'm getting depressed.."

"Of course, I'll be there in 10!"

"Okay, thanks."

I hung up and looked at the time, it was 10:01 P.M. It was kinda late, but Violet said she'll do anything for me at anytime, she knows how sad it can be when your loved one dies, her husband died of cancer too, that's what made her decide to become a nurse.

'Knock, knock.....knock, knock'

I ran up to the door and opened it, it was Violet. I smiled and gave her a hug. "Still depressed?" She asked. "Not much." I smiled. She blushed slightly and smiled. "Hey..uh..did you wanna go to Gerard's funeral with me?.." I don't know if I should be asking this. "Sure! Anything for you, remember?" She smiled. "Thanks." I returned the smile.

---(Meanwhile With Riley and Ray)---

(Ray's Point Of View)

I've been staying with Riley for the past three days. She's really depressed. Not to mention Frank thinks she caused all this, I mean she already feels bad. For all the time I've been around her, I've developed a tiny tiny crush on her. I mean, who wouldn't? she's so beautiful. But I'm being a good friend and just being A FRIEND. I will not make a move. It's way too early.

"Ray.." I heard Riley sob. "Yes?" I say, going into her room. "I need a hug.." She cried. I smiled faintly and gave her a hug. God, she gives the bests hugs. When I pulled away, I couldn't help myself. I leaned in for a kiss. But got a slap instead. "What are you doing?!" She yelled. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I was so stupid. "It's fine.." She whispered. I just looked down. This was so awkward now.

"Ray.." Riley started. "Yes?" I questioned. "I kinda like you..ok? But this is way too gotta understand that.." She whispered. "I do, and Im sorry.." I say, looking deep in her eyes. She faintly smiled. "I won't make another move on you..I promise.." I kissed her forehead. From here on out, I won't make any moves. I can't risk loosing her as a friend; she's really hurt right now anyway. I'm just gonna have to wait.

---(Meanwhile With Mrs. Goode)---

Well, so far, my plan is working out perfectly. Every single thing I planned happened. I'm such an evil genius. Soon, Gerard will be buried in the ground, Riley will be severely depressed and she'll commit suicide. It's perfect. Next on my list is to get Riley fired. Remember when I said I was going to tell Mr. Martin about Gerard and Riley? well yeah, today's the day.

I got dressed in my long plaid skirt, and regular polo shirt. I'm much classier than Riley. I mean, yeah, we both wear uniforms. But I've seen her out of the hospital. I've seen what she wears. Ugly whore. Shorts with a tank top. That's way too revealing. All she wants is sex. Anyway, I put my hair in a neat bun and walked outside, and into my nice, shiny, new white car. I turned up the classical music that was playing and I was on my way.

Once I reached the hospital, I got out of my car, closed the door, and walked inside the hospital. "Is Mr. Martin available?" I asked the lady at the front desk. She picked up the phone, avoiding eye contact, and I'm guessing called Mr. Martin. "Yes? Hello? Mr. Martin, someone is here to see you................okay, I'll tell her." And with that, she hung up. "Mr. Martin is available." She say, going back to her work. "Okay, thanks." I spoke, and walked to Mr. Martins room.

I knocked slightly and he answered. "Hi Mr, Martin." I smirked. "What do you need, Abigail?" He asked. Abigail was my first name. "I have some sweet information that I think you would like to know." I continued smirking. "Well, what is it?" He said. "Ms. Rider and her patient kissed!" I blurted out. His eyes became wide and anger rose. "She knows she's not allowed to date anyone in this hospital! Why would she disobey me?! She was already on thin ice for getting blood everywhere!" Ha. The blood. I blamed Riley for that, and she got in major trouble. "Are you going to fire her?" I asked. "I dont know yet. When she comes in for work, I'll talk to her." He said. "Okay, thank you for your time." I then walked out and smirked to myself. 'My plan is literally perfect.' I thought to myself.

This was hard to write. Considering Gee is (fake) dead. xD there's nothing I can do, so sorry if this wasn't very interesting. :c next chapter will be interesting! I hope...xD ~ Neon Dream

"This band is metal in that we have a lot of metal in our instruments, and there's quite a lot of metal on my belt buckle as well..." ~ Mikey Way

( Three quotes today. :3 )

"Who's that sexy beast... Bob Bryar!" ~ Mikey Way

"I kicked a brick wall once... It was mouthing off to me." ~ Mikey Way

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