The Arrival

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I decided to clean the house a little before they came, so I started with the kitchen. I cleaned the dishes as Gerard watched TV. I didn't mind cleaning for him. I love him. I would do anything for him. Anyway, I cleaned the muck off the dishes until I was finally done.

I took the gloves off and started to clean the table next to the TV. I practically bent over in Gerard's face, and trust me, it wasn't on purpose! The table was a really low coffee table table, so I had to bend down.

I felt a hand squeeze my ass. I knew it was Gerard. I quickly looked back at a smirking Gerard. I giggled of course. "Liked that?" Gerard let out a chuckle. "Yes." I laughed. I looked down at my watch and realized that they're going to be here in less than five minutes. "I'm going to go change, I'll be back." I smiled and walked to the room. I had to change out of these stupid clothes.

---(Meanwhile With Frank And Ray)---

(Frank's Point Of View)

Ray and I's taxi came to a stop. Know what that means?! WE'RE HERE! I ran out of the car, screaming: "HURRY PRINCESS FRO FRO!!" I heard Ray laugh a but as I ran to the door. I didn't even bother on knocking. I just ran in.

'Damn this is a big house..' I thought to myself, as tried to find Gerard. I went to the living room and there he was. My pancake! I ran to him as fast as I could. Once I reached him, I pulled him into a tight hug. "Frankie! Oh my god!" He squealed. "Hey, Gerard." I heard Ray say behind me as I squeezed Gerard.

I gave Gerard a big, sloppy kiss. At first, he wasn't kissing back, but eventually, ten seconds into the kiss he did. I missed those lips.


I pulled away and looked at the very familiar face. Where did I know this chick from? she really looked familiar. ", Riley, Frankie was just excited to see me." He smiled faintly. So Riley's her name. Well 'Riley' smiled back and walked over to me. "I'm really glad you could come!" She say, holding her hand out. I shook her hand and she heading to Ray. "Oh my god! Your fro is amazing!" She squealed. "I get that a lot." Ray chuckled. "So, who are you?" I asked Riley. "Oh, I'm Riley, Gerard's girlfriend!" She smiled.




"I thought you were his nurse." I spoke. "Well I used to be.." She said, looking down. "Gerard is MY boyfriend." I spat. "Excuse me?" She said, innocently. "Gerard. IS. MY. BOYFRIEND. Got it?" I snarled. She looked around the room uncomfortably. "" She had no words. "I'm not dating you Frankie.." Gerard said, breaking my heart in the process. "..what?.." I whispered. "We broke up..remember?" He said. "No.."

He sighed. "This is what happened.."


(Gerard's Point Of View)

I started on a new painting, it was of Frankie and I. So far, it looked amazing. Well to me it did. "Pancake! I'm going to the bar, I'll be back soon!" I heard Frank yell, I wasn't even listening though. All I heard is 'Blah blah blah'. "Okay!" I answered back, even though I had no idea what he said. I continued on my painting. Hoping it would look beautiful for Frank.

---(Five Hours Later)---

Okay. It's been way too long. Where the hell is Frank?! He's been out for so long! It's two fucking A.M.!

Then it clicked.

The bar.

I sighed to myself and got in my barley new car, I sell my paintings and I get somewhat good money. Anyway, I rode off in my car, avoiding all red lights. Well..I'm getting a ticket. I swerved into the 'Benny's Bar' (name of the bar), and parked.

I ran out and ran inside to bar. Then I saw it..Frank..kissing some girl..

"Frank!" I yelled. He jerked his head back, and looked very confused. "Pancake? There's two of you?" He questioned. "No." I said, angry. "I'm tired of your bullshit." I spat. "Don't beeeee that wayyy." He slurred. "We're over, Frank." I almost cried. His face showed no emotion. He just shrugged and kissed the bartender.

That's it. I'm leaving. I need to get over him. He's obviously over me.  

---(Flashback Over)---

---(Meanwhile With Riley, Frank, Ray, and Gerard)---

(Frank's Point Of view)

"I d-did that?" I stuttered. He nodded slowly. "Give me a chance..I don't want you to hate me..just, hang out with me for a day." I whispered. He then looked at Riley and she nodded. 'Damn..this Riley chick looked REALLY familiar.' I thought to myself. "Yes." Gerard smiled. I returned the smile and hugged him. "When can we go?" I asked, excitedly. "Wanna go now?" He questioned. "Yes!" I jumped up and down, earning a giggle from Riley and a smile from Gerard. "Then let's go.." Gerard laughed. I nodded and ran out the door into what I'm thinking is Gerard's car. this day is going to be amazing.

---(Meanwhile With Riley And Ray)---

(Riley's Point Of View)

'God...this is so awkward..' I thought to myself. I have nothing to talk about. I just met the dude. "So..what's your name?" I asked. "Raymond, but call me Ray." He smiled. "Okay." I started, smiling. "I, Riley!" I smiled. "I know.." Ray said, laughing. Oh yeah..Gerard and Frank said my name about five times..

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure.." He nodded. I walked towards the movie bin and pulled out my favorite scary movie ever. Saw. I mean, it's not really scary, it's more of gory, but it's still my favorite. "Saw? Really?" Ray said, sarcastically. "What? Is someone scared?" I teased. "No!" I yelled. I laughed.

I plopped the movie in and sat down next to Ray. Maybe this wouldn't be so awkward after all..maybe we'll become friends..

Sorry that there's so many POV's...but anyway, i hope you enjoyed this! comment, vote, and share! ~ Neon Dream

If you don't listen, you're never gonna learn.

Frank Iero


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