Frank And Ray!

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---(Meanwhile With Frank Iero)---

(Frank's Point Of View)

"Rayyyyyy!" I yelled, stretching the 'y'. "Calm down Frank!" He yelled back. "We're gonna go see pancake! After all these years! We're gonna see him! SORRY IF IM SO EXCITED, PRINCESS FRO FRO!" I yelled, while laughing. Pancake is a nick name I have for Gerard, you see...Gerard and I have a "thing". We're dating! Well we were six years ago..but I'm pretty sure we still are! I'm just glad his nurse called me! I didn't even know pancake had cancer! If I knew he had lung cancer, I would've immediately visited him! but he never called..probably cause of what happened..


"Pancake! I'm going to the bar! I'll be back soon!" I called out to Gerard. "Okay!" He answered. I walked out of the door, stepped in my car, and shoved the key in the ignition. "Dear mother can't you hear me whining?" Billie Joe Armstrong's voice filled my crappy car, with his song 'Welcome To Paradise'. It was such an amazing song.

I drove on the rode, making my way to the closet bar. I will admit, I might have a drinking problem. Gerard gets worried about me a lot. He hates when I drink, i dont even know how he just said 'okay' and didn't stop me from going to the bar...he was probably drawling and didn't really really completely understand what I said, but oh well...I'm kinda glad he didn't..

I saw a bar in the corner of my eye, and quickly swerved in the plaza, earning a few beeps. I found a parking space and slowly closed the door, that's how crappy it was. If I slam the door, it'll probably fall out. Yes. Fall. Off. It's so crappy...

Anyway, enough of my crappy car. I stepped inside the bar and took a seat. "Can I get you anything sir?" A womanly voice said. I looked up to see a gorgeous young lady with blonde hair and very light pink ends, you could say...cotton candy colored? all I knew is that she was beautiful.

"Yes." I started. "Um..just a beer please." I said. She nodded and smiled. I sat there; waiting for my beer. I needed one so bad. My body craved one.

Once it felt like forever, my drink finally came. "Thank you." I muttered before gulping my beer down. "Mmm.." I moaned quietly. "Want another?" The gorgeous lady said. "Yes, please." I chuckled. She smiled once again and went to the back, probably cause they needed more beer. I couldn't stop thinking how beautiful she was.

Once I got my beer, I downed it down like I did with the one before, my vision became slightly blurry. I was getting drunk.

---(Five Hours Later)---

I've had about...god knows how many beers. I'm way past drunk, I'm fucking wasted. It was like my mind was erased, I just wanted to fuck anything with a pulse.

I looked up at the bartender, the one with the light pink ends. She gave me a faint smile, she deals with drunks everyday. So she probably doesn't care that I'm wasted out of my mind. "Do you have a ride home?" The Light pink ends chick said. I shook my head. "Well it's 2:00 A.M, and you need to go home sir." She looked around. "No ones here but you." I looked around and even though my vision was very blurry, I could tell no one was here. I jerked my head back to the girl. Suddenly she didn't look like that girl. She looked like...Gerard? oh my god. It's Gerard! He's here! and I'm horny. So i know exactly what Im going to do.

I crawled up on the counter and 'Gerard' gave me a weird look. I pulled on his uniform tie and brung him closer. I touched my lips with his and it seemed different. His lips were...smaller? and more..fragile?..more soft..and..I tasted strawberry lip gloss. 'This isn't Gerard.' I thought to myself.

"Frank!" I heard a voice behind me. I quickly pulled away and looked behind me. It was Gerard. "Pancake? There's two of you?" I questioned. "No." He said, annoyed. "I'm tired of your bullshit." Gerard spoke.

---(Flashback Over)---

And the rest is a blur.

I dont know if we are broken up or not, all i know is that the next day he was gone.

But I'm pretty sure we are still together, I mean Pancake loves me!


I snapped out of my thoughts and saw a very angry Ray. "Yes?" I say, looking around, getting back to reality. "I've been yelling your name forever! We're gonna miss our flight!" He yelled. "Oh..well I'm ready." I said, walking out the door with all my bags.

---(Meanwhile With Riley)---

(Riley's Point Of View)

'Only three more hours' I thought to myself as I wanted TV with Gerard. They come in three hours. I hope this doesn't go as bad as it did with Mikey...

"Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara... I'm a fucking' princess!" ~ Gerard Way

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