5: Journey to the Mist!; First real mission!

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It's been another boring day, and Sasumi and I are at a resturaunt, talking and eating. She doesn't say much, but she listens while I talk, which works for me.

We caught a cat, and went to get our reward, when Naruto complained to the hokage. I groaned in annoyance, and watched as the old man chuckled to himself, before setting a scroll on the table. Apparently it's like a B or C rank mission.

Naruto complained even more, and I decided I needed a break from the noise. I went down to a diner, and sat, eating some sushi and waiting for my zen to return.

I paid for my food, and walked out to the gates, looking them over and walking out. I brought a scroll on more advanced techniques in case we run into a worst case scenario. I stuck my scroll in my pouch, and turned to see the others are here. We left after another small argument between bridgeman and Naruto.

After a second or two of walking, we came across two puddles. Kakashi gave me a look, and nodded. I stepped forwards, with the others sticking behind.

"You guys stay here, I'll go scout ahead."

"Alright, good luck, Y/n!"

I smiled and watched as they walked away, and started walking. After a moment, the two puddles revealed themselves to be ninja. I immediately caught them off guard and used Infinite Darkness on them.

"What the hell!?"

"Oi, can you see still?!"

"No, can you!?"

I interrupted them, by mentally preparing myself, and jumping on one's back.

"What the-!? This damn kid is on me!"

"I apologize for this!"

Before he could ask, I prepared healing chakra in my hands, before it changed from a gentle green to a violent red. I closed my eyes and grabbed his head, and he screamed in pain, before he suddenly stopped.

I got off, and watched as the other ninja broke out of the genjutsu, before a look of horror covered his face. I would be too, had someone completely vaporized the sides of Sakura's head, leaving a hand shaped hole.

He glared at me, and prepared to swing his weapon, tears welling in his eyes, when I slid under it, and formed hand seals.

"Forgive me."

I grabbed his ankle while going under him, and used Neuralgia to make him fall to his knee. I stood in front of him, and focused my chakra. The man whimpered, and I can't blame him either. Being a mercenary with my life in the hands of a child would be enough to make me cry.

"Heart Thrust."

I quickly jabbed his heart, and he gasped, clutching his chest, and fell over. The others walked back over, and stared in shock and horror at what I did. I buried the bodies, then caught up with the others, and we continued our journey.

We got to the land of waves, and found a man blocking our path. He seems intense, and Kakashi is more determined on us defending than fighting. I watched as the two fought, Kakashi totally unnerving him.

He was about to catch Kakashi in a water bubble, but I used Infinite Darkness to blind him, causing him to mess up and get knocked back by Kakashi.

Kakashi was about to finish him off, when a senbon flew into his neck, killing him. What the hell?

"You must be Mist Village Anbu."

"That is correct. I was sent to deal with Zabuza, and now my job is finished. I apologize for you having to deal with him for the time you did. Farewell."

They dashed off, and I hummed to myself. They seem fairly kind. I hope they do alright in the near future.

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