9: Chunin exams! Forest of Death!

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I walked into the academy, and found the rest of team 7 standing, staring at something. They finished, and I walked over.

"What's up, guys?"

"Oh, hey Y/n."

"Your name is Y/n?"

"Uh yeah, what's your name?"

She grabbed my hand, went on a knee, and kissed it before looking up at me.

"I am Branch Lee! You are the most handsome person I have ever seen."

"Oh boy, not this again. First that Rock guy with bushy brows, now her."

"Uh, thanks? You're attractive too, I guess?"

"Oh! I am not worthy of the praise of someone as lovely as you! Will you please be my boyfriend!?"

"Sorry, but no."


"See, I don't know you, or anything about you. Besides, just because I'm as handsome to you as Leonardo DiCaprio was in the 80's to everyone, doesn't mean I'm a good person. Please, try to be more careful of that."

"I see! I apologize deeply! Thank you!"

"What? The two seem just like their siblings, yet their encounter was so different!"

"Oy! I'm not a rude, whiny, bitch!"





The duo glared at each other, while Sasumi sighed and face palmed. Branch simply watched Y/n with intensity.

'Such intensity! He has the youth of a ferocious Guy-sensei!'

Thr team calmed down, and left Branch after saying bye. They got to a class where there were several Jonin, and the rest of the genin. I sat down and the others found a seat somewhere else. After a moment, everyone was in, and none other than Branch sat down by me.

"Greetings once again, Y/n!"

"Hey Branch. How are you doing?"

"Excellent! Thanks for asking!"

The procter explained that we are doing a written test. Noted the questions, and thanked myself that I know enough of these to skip the ones I don't understand. I answered the questions I could, and noticed Branch was visibly struggling. I decided to clear my throat.

Two procters focused on me, and I took the chance to slide my paper over a little so she could see. She smiled and copied my answers, before clearing her own throat to symbolize she was finished.

After it ended, with Team 7 still in, and Branch's as well, the procter announced the questions didn't matter. Suddenly some lady flew in through the window, and announced the next exam is going to be in the forest of death. Man, this is one really weird test.

I met with the rest of Team 7 at the forest. The woman named Anko, explained everything to us. I decided to strategize. I walked over to the knucklehead, and put my arm around his shoulder, and led him away from the rest of the team.

"Hey Naruto, let me talk to you real quick."

"Eh, sure thing."

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