Chapter 20: What if?

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A/N: omigosh guys..i didn't know you would be THAT hardcore when Kathy steals Hanbin XD just chill guysss~ hahahahaha...and 16k readers?!? Whaaat?!
Thank u soo much guys for the support~ so many projects and homeworks to do..but (first lemme take a selfie XD) i need to do this for ya guys~ school is almost ending~~~ YAY!!
I hope u like this chapter~ ^_^


•Your POV•

"Oh well, nothing, I was just planning to make him my fiancee and bring him with me back to Canada~" She said as she smiled.

"What?.." I stood, frozen in my position.

"Hm? Oh I said I'm going to make him my fiancee~ Do you have a problem with that?" She raised a brow.

"..Yes, Yes I do have a problem with that, he's just a trainee, you can't just take him further away from reaching his dream! And why do you want to marry him all of a sudden?!" I stomped my foot.

"Oh, I don't know~ He was just so charming, well-mannered like a prince..How do you call that? Love at first sight maybe?" She said as she smiled and looked at the ceiling with shining eyes.

"Love at first sight? The first time you saw him, you treated him like a butler.." I defensively said while putting my right foot out.

"Ahh, Hae Ri~ You DON'T know anything about love.." She said as she said the word "Don't" clearly and loudly. my nerves! Why is she my sister again?!

"So what? I may not know love, but I know that what you're feeling right now isn't love.." I glared at her.

"Whatever! You're just jealous anyway~ You like him don't you?" She smirked.

"I-I don't!! He's just my best friend!" I yelled at her.

"Well, whatever he is to you, I'm glad I'm taking him away from you.." She flipped her hair and left the room.

Leaving me standing in the middle of the room while my body is getting filled with anger.

Maybe if I could sleep it off, I wouldn't be so angry anymore..

I sighed and went to bed.

•Kathy's POV•

After a few hours, I checked the room if Hae Ri was sleeping, and she was soundly asleep.

Good. I think that Hae Ri and the other guy..

What was his name again? Ah! Hanbin! Yeah, That guy..

I think that Hae Ri and Hanbin have a strong bond together, I have to break that bond if I want him to fall for me..

After all it would be easy to make him fall for me, since so many guys in Canada have approached me and asked for my number.

But not one of them was like that Hanbin guy..

Charming,polite, a prince-like personality! Just what kind of boy I deserve~

So, how can I break their bond?

Play as the nice girl?? Sure..I should go visit him..

I prepared a lunch box and a drink for him, and went to the YG trainee's building.

I heard music, so I guess that might be him.

I knocked on the door where the music was coming from and peeked in inside.

"Hello?" I looked around the room and saw him practicing.

There he is!

"Hey! Uhm, It's me again~ Kathy~ I brought you a lunch box~" I bursted in the room and handed him the lunch box as I smiled.

『 NEVER FORGET ME 』 ⇢ B.I / Kim HanbinWhere stories live. Discover now