Chapter 23: The so-called "Great Escape"

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A/N:hai guys~ wait before i move on to the story..
PARTEH!! 22k readers?! *dies*
I cant believe what im seeing right now..
*criesss* i would never reach this much without you guys...
Thank you so much for everything..i'll try my best to do the chapters faster and more intresting.. ^_^ i lab u guys~


•Your POV•

What..what am I supposed to do now?!?

"HELP!!" I shouted as I try to kick the door open.

Help..Help me..Someone, anyone..please..

I sighed..

Why do I always get tied up?

Am I that careless?

I tried to move near the door. I leaned on the door, but then suddenly.

"Ahh!!" I shouted as I fell on my back.

The door..was open?


Did Kathy leave it open? No, Impossible, Why would she lock me up here if she would leave the door open?

Maybe she forgot to lock it, she always forget stuff anyway.

Well I'm having a good luck today, I think..

But how am I supposed to untie the rope tied around my wrists and ankles?

I finally noticed something as I look around my surrondings.

Wait a minute..She said I was locked up in the storage room in her apartment..


And it isn't small, it's twice as big as our villa in New York!

She also mentioned something that some people will hear me shouting, but I don't see anyone.

Wait, Hae Ri! Stop worrying about the small details! Let's get our wrists and ankles untied.

Hmm, I don't see any knife or something to cut a rope anywhere here.

Maybe I could use something, not to cut off the rope, but something to slip it off my wrists.

I could use the door knob! But how am I supposed to get up?

Maybe I could just balance my weight and I could lift myself up.

"Agh.." I growled as I try to lift myself up with my feet without pulling them apart.

This is harder than I expected. But I have to try harder..You can do this Hae Ri!

I used up all of my strength to lift myself up and managed to sucessfully did it.

"Yes!" I shouted as I got up and hopped to the door knob.

I turned around, and put the handle of the doorknob into the gap of the rope.

I slid my wrists so that the rope could slip off.

And it worked! I untied the rope tied to my ankles and headed outside.

As I ran outside, I realized where I was.

"I'M OUT OF NOWHERE!" I shouted as my voice echoed throughout the enviroment.

I "kinda" realized where I was. The mansion was on top of a hill and from up here, I could see a small village.

My body sunk to the ground. I was exhausted and confused. I don't know what to do anymore.

But suddenly...

『 NEVER FORGET ME 』 ⇢ B.I / Kim HanbinWhere stories live. Discover now