Chapter 13: Adventure!

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A/N:HAI GUYSS! Exams are finally done!! Yay! Now there's a Mid-Break,woot woot! And your reward for being patient is a one-day made chapter!

I'll try my best! Thank chuu guyss!! And could you do me a favor?..could you pls read my new's called "You Can't Catch My Heart!"..THANK U SOO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!


•Your POV•

"I forgot to tell you, your job their in Seoul is not permanent,after 1 month and 3'll be going back to New York.." Was written on the message.

What?! 1 month? 3 days??

"Mhm..Riri..Stop shaking so much..I can't sleep.." Hanbin stood up.

"S-sorry.." I looked down.

"Is something wrong?" Hanbin put his leg up the bench and rested his arm on his knee.

"'s because.." I showed him the message.

"WHAT?! Then if that's the case,let's not waste time!" Hanbin stood up from the bench and grabbed by hand.

"Huh? Where are we going?" I tilt my head.

"We're going to have an adventure!" He raised his fist in the air.

"W-well..what about work?" I asked.

"Yeah...but not right now..because you're more important to me and I want to have the best memory ever with you!" He smiled.

I blushed..

"H-how can you say that so casually?" I looked away.

"Is there something wrong with what i said?" He pinched my cheek.

"Yaahh! That hurts!" I said as remove Hanbin's hand from my cheek.

"Hahaha! Well, let us start the adventure!" Hanbin ran off as he tugged my hand.


"Let's go to Namsan Tower!" He said as he ran and catched a cab.

"N-namsan Tower?!" I said as he pulled me in the cab.

When we arrived at Namsan Tower,there was a lot of couples..

"C-couples.." I stuttered.

"Huh? Yeah,there's a lot of couples here for dates." He said casually.


"Riri,hold my hand or you'll get lost." He said as he held my hand and smiled.

His hand is so big and warm..

His hand wasn't this big when we were small..Holding his hand made me realize that he's all grown up.

He's not a kid anymore..

"S-so..what are we gonna do here?" I asked.

"Hmm..we'll go to the top!" He said as he point to the top of Namsan Tower.

"To the t-top??" I looked at where he pointed.

He held my hand tightly and started to ran off again.

"On second thought..let's ride the cable car~" He said cheerfully.

"The cable car..I love cable cars!" I said excitedly.

"I know~ Now,shall we go?" He said as he grinned.

"Yes! Yes we should!" I chuckled.

We both ran off to the cable car as we held hands.


"We're in the cable car~ We're in the cable car~" I said with a childish voice.

"Sit down,you don't want to make the cable car rock." Hanbin chuckled.

"S-sorry.." I sat down obediently.

As the cable car started to go up, I saw the wonderful view of Seoul.

"Woow! How could I forget this wonderful scenery of Seoul for 10 years?!" I said as I looked window amazingly.

"Yeah,I was kind of lonely for the past 10 years.." He pouted.

"Me too, but look at you! You've grown taller~" I ruffled his hair.

"Riri, did any guy approach you when you were in New York?" He looked away and his cheeks turned red.

"A guy? Hmm, well, Jacki was the only guy..I guess.." I said as I tap my chin.

"Jacki?" He tilt his head.

"Oh..him.." Then he made a disgusted face.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" I took a peek of his disgusted face.

"No,nothing is wrong.." He said as he crossed his arms.

"O-okay..." I looked out the window once again..

Oh how I missed Seoul..

But then suddenly..The cable car stopped moving..

"Huh? Did it..stopped moving?" I looked around.

"Attention all cable car riders,due to a stuck wire, the cable car stopped working." The operator announced.

"Yup,it did." Hanbin clicked his tongue.

W-we're stuck here?! Oh no...


A/N: i know that this chapter was short..because I was so busy..but i hoped u like it~ thank u guys~ ^_^

『 NEVER FORGET ME 』 ⇢ B.I / Kim HanbinWhere stories live. Discover now