Chapter 27: Did I do something wrong?

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A/N: annyeong my chingus~ how are you doing?? ^.^ My life now is all about chores and work~ but i'll make sure to make room for fanfics~ i hope you'll love this chapter~
And from now on, i forgot that you have to call Yunhyeong, Jinhwan, and Bobby "oppa" (big brother) sowiee..

•Your POV•

I grabbed my cellphone out of my pocket and called my mom.

"Mom," I said as I gasped for air.

After buying the "perfect" gift I have for Hanbin, we helped the little boy find his mom.

While looking for his mom, we bought the toy he saw before he got lost.

But finally, after hours of looking for his mom, we finally found her, outside, with the police.

"Phew, we finally found her, huh?" I said, putting my hands on my hips as I watch the mother and son reunite happily.

"Yeah, so what was that perfect gift for Hanbin you were talking about earlier?" Jacki asked as he looked at me.

"It's a secret~" I said, putting my finger on my lips.

"Fine, whatever, should we get home?" He put his hands behind his head with his fingers laced, and turned around.

I nod in response as I flashes him a bright smile.


"He was waiting..for me? No it can't be.

Thanks Jacki, Are you sure this is okay for you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's fine, I've got nothing to do anyway." He said as he shrugged his shoulders with his hands in his pockets.

I giggled as a response.

Suddenly, we saw Hanbin in front of the dorm.

"Well, this is my cue, see ya Hae Ri!" Jacki saluted to me with two fingers and winked playfully before turning around.

"See ya!" I saluted back playfully.

Was he waiting..for me? No it can't be.

Hanbin was leaning against wall of the building with his head tilted downwards.

He looks kinda sad, I wonder why.

"Hanbin-ah! Why are out here?" I called out as I ran to him, waving hands.

He shifted his head upwards and glared at me.

"H-Huh?" I stopped running and took a step backwards when he glared at me furiously.

"It's nothing." He said with anger in his voice as he looked away and put his hands in his pockets.

He then put on his hoodie and started to walk away.

"H-Hanbin-ah!" I tapped his shoulder and he growled.

"Leave me alone." He said bluntly and continued to enter the dorm while ignoring me.

He said with no sign of emotion but I can see that his eyes was full of anger...and sadness?

But why? Did I do something wrong?

I entered the dorm, hanging my head down. Suddenly, I bumped into something hard.

"Oof! Uh.." I looked up to see what that "thing" was. But it turned out to be a person.

I bumped into Bobby's chest.

"A-ah..Sorry Bobby oppa.." I stuttered.

"Oh, Hae Ri-ah~ Why are you down? Did something happen?" He tilted his head to the left side.

『 NEVER FORGET ME 』 ⇢ B.I / Kim HanbinWhere stories live. Discover now