Chapter 17

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Y/n and Denki were both in his bathroom looking through his drawer.

"You have more face masks than I've ever seen, you could a open a whole shop." y/n said while grabbing a pink sheet mask. Apparently Denki had an entire drawer in his bathroom full of skin care stuff, including a vast collection of different face masks.

"Me and my mom do a lot of skin care days, and buy too many face masks almost every time we go shopping." he was also looking through the packages. It was almost shocking not only the fact that he had that many but they were also organized by what each one was supposed to do and color.

Denki grabbed two masks and gave one of them to y/n, he had given her one that was the same mask he was going to use, a baby pink one that smeled like (favorite scent), 'he actually remembered that I like this scent?'

He already had put his on while the girl still was looking at the one in her hand, so Denki sighed and grabbed both y/n's shoulder, turning her towards him. He grabbed the sheet mask from her hand and started to pull it out of the package, laying it on her face.

Y/n felt the sudden cold sensation from the mask on her face, the temperature diference being enough to hide the fact that a small pink hue had rised to her cheeks because of how close Denki was and maybe because he was extremely focused on y/n's face.

"There, now just gotta wait 15 minutes." he read the back of where the mask was.

The 15 minutes went by quickly with Denki and y/n just talking about anything and making jokes about people in their class. She was leaning on the sink counter and he was just in front of her laughing.

"No I swear, touching Hagakure when she's in hero suit is probably the worst thing that could happen." y/n could barely finish her sentence without holding her belly from laughing.

It wasn't an exactly funny joke, or a joke at all but more like one of those situations where everything sounded funny that you just couldn't help but laugh, and it didn't help that Denki's laugh was just too contagious.

"C'mon we gotta take these off our face." he wiped the small tear from laughing so hard and walked to y/n's side, now facing the mirror.

"Y'know" she started while he took the mask off his face "if you were so focused with school as you are with skin care you would be top of class, higher than Bakugo." she gave him a little smirk while Denki just deadpanned.

"I'm smart, otherwise I wouldn't have passed UA's written entrance exam, I'm just not lucky in having really smart people in the same class as me." he was now taking y/n's mask off for her.

He threw both face masks in the small trash can on the corner of the bathroom and walked back infront of y/n, so they just stood there, looking at eachother, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Y/n felt like she was almost melting just from being under his stare but she wasn't about to lose, she would not be the first one to break the eye contact 'remember y/n, confidence is the key to being hot, that's what Mina told you', she tried to hype herself up, but it was being too much for her, so she was about to break the eye contact.

Until Denki broke it first, not being able to look into her eyes anymore, the butterflies inside his stomach were just too much for him to handle, never would've he tought that he would be the first one to break, so he resorted to look at something else.

More specifically her hair tips, the split dye that she had since the beginning of the school year was almost compltely faded.

"Let's dye our hair." he enthusiastically said, making y/n's eyes wide in surprise.

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