Chapter 2

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~some years ago~

You realised you were blindfolded, then tried to take it off but your hands were also tied to a chair. It was a dark room but you could feel there were 2 more people on the room with you because of your quirk.

" Mommy?" "Daddy?" You asked terrified

"(Y/N) mommy's here. Don't worry honey, everything's going to be fine, we just have to wait for your dad."

"Shut up useless bitch" someone whose voice I didn't recognised said " I think is time for your little daughter to see everything"

I could hear footsteps coming towards me and I feel my blindfold being taken off. As my eyes start to adapt to the light I see a tall man wearing only black and with his face covered towering over me. I'm in a old room I think and my mom is just like me, blindfolded.

"Don't you even dare touch her, Danzo (ehehe Naruto fans where u at?), she's just a child, if u want to hurt me, u can do whatever u want, just don't touch her" my mom begged

But honestly? I've never been so confused in my whole life, I didn't had a clue of what was going on "Mommy what's happening?"
"Nothing dear just calm down "

"(Y/N)... what a lovely name u gave your daughter..." the man started to come towards me with his finger that was pointing in my direction starting to turn red and letting steam come out of it

"What are u doing Danzo! Don't hurt her please!"

"No, don't worry about her, it won't hurt that much, she'll scream a bit but she'll get used to feel her skin burn" What's this man saying? My skin burning? Does it have to do with Danzo's quirk?

But I quickly got my answer as Danzo placed his now steaming hand on my thigh

"Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed at the top of my lungs as as felt my skin burn and started to feel tears quickly form on my eyes. Then he took of the hand of my thigh and started quietly chuckling

"Such pleasant screams u got there little girl" after he ripped my sleeve and placed again his burning hand on my skin making me scream again alongside my mom that was begging him to stop.

But when he stopped he walked towards my mother and said " Are u going to tell me what I want to know now?"

"Never" my mom said after a few seconds

"Well then, it seems that even with me torturing your daughter you'll tell me, so I guess I'll just have to kill you"

"What don't kill her! She didn't do anything wrong, you're the one who burned me!"

Danzo come to me and slapped my face so that I would shut up. Then he walked towards my mother and started to put his burning hand around my mother's neck.

"(Y-Y/N)... "
"Mommy No!!!!"
"Listen (Y/N)" my mom said between breaths "U are an amazing little girl with a lot of power that u still have to discover...." "please be happy, and strong, I love you"

Those were my mom's last words as she died at the hands of the man that would forever hunt my life.

Then Danzo started to produce a black smoke from his body making my eyes start to fall shut as I take a last glimpse at my mother's now lifeless corpse on the chair next to mine

~the week after on the hospital~

I opened my eyes while hearing a bipping sound, I slowly look to my arm and leg and they had some bandages around them.

"Dad (Y/N) woke up!"
"Dumb thing go get the doctors!"
As I started to look around the room I saw my brother run outside and saw my dad seated next to my bed with a face of someone who is in their finals week.

"(Y/N) oh thanks god ur awake! We were all so worried" my father said while he hugged me

" Daddy! Is mommy okay?" I said while looking at my father
"(Y/n) dear... mommy is not really okay"
"What is she injured? He's she gonna be okay?"
"Dear... mommy's not coming back, I'm sorry cutie but she died"
On that moment my whole world fell to the ground and shattered itself, my mom was gone and it was all my fault.

After a minute or two the doctors came and then the police man, but all I could do was stare blankly at nowhere still processing everything.

Suddenly my mom's last words came to my mind "... with lots of power that u still have to discover...please be happy and strong, I love u"
On that exact moment I promised myself that I wouldn't shed more tears about this until the day that I kill Danzo and avenge my mother. I promised myself that I would train a 3 times more that anyone else to be the best. I promised this to myself and to my mother.

~ back to present~
"Miss (Y/N)? It's time for yours matinal training session with your brother" I struggled to get out of the warm of my bed and then looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:50 am, so I would only have time to eat something and change to my work out clothes.

6:00 am

I walked to the garden behind my house I saw my idiotic brother
"Good morning dumbass, took u long enough"
" Fuck u, it's way to early for this"
"I though that u wanted to be the best"
" I don't want, I will be the best, btw dad's still out?"
"Yeah, last night he messaged me and said that he would only come home in 3 days"
"Oh okay, then let's start?"

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