Chapter 19

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"What do you mean you sleptover at Kaminari's?"

Monday morning, probably only 5 people inside the classroom, Mina, Kirishina and Y/n being part of those 5 people. 

Y/n was sitting peacefully in her seat just trying to listen to some music and motivate herself for the week when the other two came in rushing inside the classroom, they proceeded to slam their hands on top of the girl's desk, snapping her out of her moment.

"Well good morning to you both too. What a shining monday don't you think?" Y/n greeted them 

"Yeah that too, but tell us." Mina urged, sitting on y/n's desk, Kirishima nodding at her side.

"Yes, I did sleepover at his but nothing important really happened to be honest."

You liar y/n you know really well what happened on that rooftop at 4 am.

"Your hair is pink now, in case you forgot." Kirishima pointed out.

"He's right, that's quite the change, love it by the way." Mina winked, which y/n returned with also a wink.

"But, Y/n tell us the truth did anything happen between you and Kaminari during the weekend?" Kirishima questioned, almost pushed Mina off the desk to get closer to Y/n.

"Why? Would you be jealous?" y/n crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back on her chair, she cocked her head to the side letting a small smirk form on her face. Kirishima was trying to find words while Mina laughed because she wasn't the one who y/n had pointed the remark to.

"Don't sweat it pretty boy." y/n laughed with Mina.

"You extras make way too much noise in the morning." Bakugo grumbled as soon as he stepped foot in the classroom.

"Good morning to you too Bakugo." y/n smiled at him and he just turned his face away heading for his seat.

"Ten words this early? That's definitely an improvement." Mina giggled together with y/n.

"I know! I feel like he's warming up to us. And he didn't curse yet." Y/n said, raising her eyebrows in amusement.

"What the fuck did you just say, pink hair?" he retorted, looking back at the two pink haired girls giggling.

"Bro you gotta be more specific there's two of them now." 

Denki butted in as he walked through the door, his hands inside the pockets of his pants and a lazy smile on his face. His eyes passed over Bakugo and Mina quickly, landing on Y/n making his smile grow bigger.

Same happening with the girl, her lips turning upwards a warm feeling taking over her body as soon as they locked eyes. 

She had never felt like this before because of a person, not just because of her socially closed childhood. Denki just had that effect on her since day 1 it had been growing bigger with each passing day, like the day before a storm in the middle of summer, where you can already see the clouds growing bugger and darker, but the moment the rain starts pouring and the lightning falls from above you just want to go outside and get all drenched, feel the cold feeling on your skin constrasting the warmth of your body. That's the same feeling Y/n had with Denki's presence around her, and she would never get sick of it. Storms were always something she loved.

She had always been able to form storms with her quirk but right now Y/n only wanted Denki to form one in her life that would feel like cold rain in the summer.

Denki walked over to both girls dropping his bag on his desk, walking to Y/n's side without missing a beat.

"Good morning ladies." both girls greeted him back, Kirishima and Bakugo further away from them talking about some thing.

Sucker for Lightning (Kaminari Denki x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin