Chapter 1

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Character info

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Quirk: You can control the 4 elements, but u need to be in contact with them for at least 1 second for 10 minutes of use

Drawbacks: Nosebleeds and losing consciousness

Hero Name: Gaea

Appearance: little bit short, but fit😉 ,(E/C), (H/L) (H/C) and your hair tips are dyed like half red and half blue

Personality: can be  a lil bit bitchy, but that's bcs of her family *cough* lil mommy and daddy issues*cough*, but can be the smallest bean if want to. U are very smart, and train a lot, well u got into UA by recommendation. Basically sarcasm will probably be your death cause. Very anxious and stressed, dances and plays some instruments to feel calm, but can't sing for her life

Ummm life I guess?: U live with ur dad and brother since ur mom died by the hands of a villain when u were 6

Father: #3 hero, has a lot of expectations for u but still is a lil good parent

Brother: 3rd year of hero course of UA, will always have ur back, overprotective much, probably knows u better than u do

Mother: Deceased, also an hero, u still go every Sunday to her grave in the morning, u aspire to be as her

Hi guys, so my first story don't judge
I don't can't do descriptions even to save my life
So yeah stick with me and read my story and I don't know when I'll update again
If u have any question about anything just ask, comment and like
And now I'll yeet myself out of here

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