Chapter 4

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Y/N pov

I was kinda mentalized that I was going to do a quirk test. My brother did one too, on his first year and he got fifth place, so I need to be ranked fifth or higher, sounds pretty easy to me. Well I've been training hard for this. But there was something that I was not expecting, well actually two, Aizawa sensei told us that the last ranked person will get expelled but it's probably a lie.

I don't need to be worried about the expelling part, but it will only make the others push themselves more so it'll be more difficult to place higher.

Ohh and the other thing? Well my father is the 3rd ranked hero and he knows really well the 2nd hero, Endeavor, and me, my brother and father used to spend a lot of time in his house and we still do, so I've known Todoroki basically for my entire life, but I didn't really had a clue that he was going to be in the same class as me. We trained together a lot in the last three years so we are both equal in hand to hand combat, but if only he forgot about his silly daddy issues we would be an amazing hero. And let me tell u, I constantly keep bugging him about his fire.

Like he actually has some control over his fire quirk and I would love for him to teach me how to use mine better, but no... he needs to have daddy issues.

His father isn't the only pro hero that I know for almost all my life, I know Midnight since I am in diapers, she's almost like a older sister to me. We usually go shopping together and talk about everything. She's the main reason why I went to UA, my father wanted me to go Shiketsu High School cause there's where he went, but Midnight convinced him.

~I'm so lazy I needed to time skip to the ball pitch~

So everything until now went really well, by my counts I'm around third or fourth place so I'm doing great.

Now it's time for the ball pitch (no shit sherlock) and I'm glad that it is the last thing because I really need to pee and Aizawa probably wouldn't let me go to the ladies room in the middle of this.

And yes I also know Aizawa but we agreed in no special treatment like duhhh obvi and he still needs to give me Mic's sunglasses contacts, I love them and I also love some personalized for me.

"(Y/n) it's your turn." No response

"(Y/N). (Y/n)" Still no response "God this girl always dozes off wherever she is" Aizawa mumbled to him

"(L/n) (Y/n) wake up !"

"Ladies room! Wait no no I didn't mean to say that" great (Y/n), fucking great.

"It's your turn." Aizawa said for the millionth time that day, I nodded and went to the circle

"Oh and (Y/N)?" I looked at him "When we're finished you can go to the bathroom" and he dared, he had the audacity to give me a little psycho of his smiles, this 31 years old man just made fun of me because of my stupidly little bladder and he knew that it was a taboo.

Before I grabbed the ball, I took out the water bottle that was in my pocket and took a little sip, everyone seemed confused by it but I can't blame them, after all water always gets me a little more stronger.

I grabbed the ball and took a deep breath and then yeeted it the stronger I could and propelling it with air coming out of my hand. It took 5 seconds to the ball fall in the ground after I stopped with the air thing.

Then Aizawa turned the phone to us which showed how long the ball went

"2784.7 m? That's almost impossible"

" She has the second best score after Uraraka" You could hear a lot of things like this coming from people behind me.

I turned to Aizawa and said "Yeah yeah, this is way better than middle school and all that stuff but can I go to the bathroom now, please?"

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