Chapter 20

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"Have you even told your brother about your pink hair?"

"Not really." Y/n shrugged. Her and Denki were walking through UA's halls in search for Y/n's brother Kakashi.

Denki couldn't ignore the fact that he was actually meeting her brother,of vourse he had already seen him around but he had never spoken to him face to face. Kakashi is considered to be one of UA's most intimidating students, his face is always down in a "don't aproach me" way plus his amazing quirk tells you right from the first moment to not piss him off.

The thing about Kakashi is that he is always surrounded by the three same people, Nejire, Tamaki and Mirio, two of them extremely bubbly people who are the clear opposite of him and then Tamaki he just sticks around Kakashi when the other two decide to do something they shouldn't.

However, that doesn't take away the fact that Kakashi looks that he'll beat the shit out of anyone who tries something.

"Hey Y/n!"

"Hi Nejire!" there were the big three and Kakashi, Denki got even more scared because at that point he just couldn't turn away and go back to the classroom, he would have to face Y/n's brother plus UA's big three, needless to say he just wanted to short-circuit himself.

"Oh gee your hair's so pretty Y/n! Did you dye it? Why pink? It really suits you though." Nejire asked Y/n which immediatelly caught Kakashi's attention.

"Dad's gonna flip when he sees your hair." he told the girl walking closer to her and quickly hugging her. As they pulled away he ruffled her hair which made her slap his hands away.

"It's not like he can do anything now he's kinda like half a globe away anyways." Y/n shrugged her shoulders.

"True but don't worry it looks good. Just when did you get it done? Last time I saw you it was just the tips and now it's hot pink." Kakashi looked truly confused but who wouldn't be?

"I dyed it at Denki's when I sleptover." Y/n pointed to the boy that was slightly behind her which brought him back to Earth. He gave them a smile and and a small wave.

"So he's the Denki you told me about, yeah that makes sense." Kakashi responded to his sister while looking over to Denki.

"Well, just wanted to give you your keys because you forgot them and I can't go home with you I'm staying longer for training so here you go" he fished Y/n's keys from his pocket and dropped them on her hand.

"Now Nejire can go with you to your classroom, Denki'll be with you in a few so don't worry, wouldn't want you getting late for your next class!" Kakashi went over to Denki and grabbed his shoulder so he couldn't run, a chill ran through Denki's body.

"Let's go Y/n, I want to talk for a bit!" Nejire skipped to Y/n starting to drag her along.

"Wai- What? Don't scare Denki off Kakashi!" she yelled to her brother as she was dragged through the hallway by Nejire.

"Don't worry sis, he'll be back before your class." Kakashi gave his sister a small smile while waving.

"Now you. We're gonna talk." he dragged Denki to a more closed area. The blond boy noticed that both Mirio and Tamaki had desappeared which only scared Denki even more. He just wanted to spend some time alone with Y/n, the girl he was completely head over heels for, without people from their class asking questions. Maybe buying her some food from the vending machines because he thouht that would make her happy but no, he was now taking to her brother who's extremely scary and powerful.

They stopped close to some stairs that didn't have that many people so no one could hear anything.

Maybe it's worth mentioning that what Denki was scared of wasn't Kakashi's amazing quirk, no they couldn't even use their quirks like that in the middle of the school, he was scared of Kakashi's skills. According to teachers he's like a prodigy in understanding people, one look at someone and Kakashi would read them like an open book and taking the fact that Denki was extremely nervous only left him even more of a easier read. Denki had no doubts that Kakashi had already figured half of the picture out.

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