The Beginning of the End

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        Throughout the city, Edward was making a show of himself. Fixing cars and vendor stands and vases and strollers, all with his tacky sense of style. But Cecelia, Ling, and Lan Fan watched from the rooftops. Mustang had dragged the two into an Alley to question the two about what exactly they were doing, and not long after Scar himself showed up to fight. It took all of Cecelia's self-control to not hop into action and help her friends.

Just when Cecelia was sure she couldn't take it any longer, Ling and Lan Fan sensed something wicked nearby.

"That's a strange presence," Ling stated. "You can feel it too right Lan Fan?"

"Yes," she nodded.

Cecelia cracked her knuckles. "It's about time."

Cecelia followed after Ling who lead the way. They suddenly stopped and Lan Fan launched into an aerial kick, her foot colliding with a fat beast who Cecelia had only seen moments before Lan Fan sent it crashing into a building.

"Hi!" Ling greeted with his usual happy presence. "How's it going? That is one pretty unusual body you got there, just how many human souls do you have inside you?"

Ling's cheery voice gave Cecelia the chills. The beast looked between the three of them, clearly confused. "Who are you?"

"Don't bother running," Lan Fan threatened in a usual ominous voice. "I sense your presence, and I can follow it."

"Follow? Me?" It said with an amused smirk. "Then I'll just eat you now."

It opened it's wide mouth to reveal its huge tongue that had an ouroboros tattoo. "That's it, guys!" Cecelia yelled to the other two

"So," a booming but calm voice called from down below. "You're able to detect his presence, are you."

Cecelia was almost frozen with fear and disbelief. "No," she said aloud, looking to the source of the taunts. The man was a great distance away, but there was no doubt. "It can't be."

The man drew his sword and discarded the military issue sleave. His military blue uniform sticking out like a sore thumb. Even from her distant stance she could she the many ribbons his chest brandished. "Well, that's quite the nuisance. Let's take care of it."

"You," Lan Fan announced, "I have no quarrel with a human-"

He moved at the speed of light, up the ladder that Lan Fan was perched in front of, but nobody had time to stop him. He slashed through Lan Fan's arm before Cecelia could blink.

Lan Fan let out a pained cry and Ling called out to her, but it was too late. Lan fan fell helplessly to the roof below her, dropping her weapon.

"Clever," he said staring at his broken sword, "You took a swipe at me with your kunai."

"Can I eat her now?" the fat beast called.

"Just make it quick." The beast launched himself from his position towards Lan Fan, but Ling chopped the beast's head clean off, then quickly shouldered Lan Fan's limp body.

"Lan Fan! Please stay with me."

Cecelia was still stuck in her shocked state, but she saw the man dressed in blue approach Ling and the fat one started to heal. She acted and clapped her hands. "Ling! Run!" She shouted as a wall separated Ling and the attackers.

Ling did as he was told but the fat beast followed at the command of the military man.

"Ah Cecelia, I almost didn't see you there."

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