The Day She Came Home

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Fanfiction: the art of manipulating, redesigning, and reconstructing stories. However, it is not an all-powerful art. It is impossible to create good writing out of bad ideas. If one wishes to obtain a desired arch, writing of equal value must be achieved. This is the law of equivalent talent; the basis of all writing. In accordance with this law, there is a taboo among authors. Main characters breaking out into song is strictly forbidden. For who the hell could write that in a non-cringy manner?

LOL this is so dramatic. Anyway yeah, there is going to be a god damn singing on stage moment (not this chapter but prepare for some prep work alright). You wanna know why? I want a 'Monster in Paris' scene, okay? Am I going to do it justice? who knows. Is it going to be fun as hell? In my not so humble opinion, fuck yeah. Anyway, this is your one and only warning. Hope you enjoy tho cuz I'm having a lot of fun writing this and I low key, high key had this planned from the beginning.

The telephone rang. At this ungodly hour? Who the hell was phoning Mustang just short of twelve in the morning? "Hello? This is Mustang."

"Roy" Hughes's voice was unusually soft. "Sorry about the time but I need your advice."

Roy perked up a bit but still had to stifle his yawn, he'd been working hard at the eastern command. "What is it, Hughes?"

"It's about Cecelia, she's come back from her apprenticeship," Hughes explained, still trying to talk in a light whisper.

"Oh yeah? That's great."

"Uh-huh," Maes hesitated. "Now before I tell you this, I'm asking you as a friend, so drop any military or alchemy pretenses you've got okay?"

Mustang's stomach started to turn. This wasn't going to be good. "What's wrong with Cecelia?"

"Well, before she came back she was sending us letters pretty regularly. Then she just dropped off the face of the earth, we weren't even sure if our letters were being received. We were so worried and just when Gracia and I decided it'd be best if I went up to search for her myself, we get a letter telling us that she's alright and on her way back." Maes struggled to continue. "When we finally saw her coming off the train in Central... she looked awful Roy. And her arm... her left arm is completely missing."

Mustang went cold.

"We kept asking her about it, but she refuses to even talk about it. Could it have been some freak alchemy accident? Gracia and I think she would have told us if it was just some normal injury, but it has got to be something major and I just don't know what it could-"

"I'm taking the first train to Central," Roy declared into the receiver, already putting his shoes on to get his ticket.

"Now wait a minute Roy, don't hang up!" Maes shouted. "Tell me what you're thinking here! She's my daughter damn it!"

Mustang's breath was caught in his throat. "To me, it sounds like... she attempted human transmutation."

Maes was dead silent on the other line.

"You remember me telling you about the Elrics?"

"You mean the boy who just became a state alchemist? He's the same age as Cecelia."

"Yeah that one," Roy paused. "Don't tell anyone I told you this, and don't tell anyone, but Edward did the same thing. His arm and leg were completely missing."

"This can't be possible," Maes's head was all over.

"It might not be," Roy tried, but knowing Cecelia... "I should be there in the morning." He'd know as soon as he saw her face.

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