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Alexa's POV

"Are you sure you packed everything?" Felix asked, looking at the cardboard boxes and my backpack.

"Yeah. I'm sure."

"Really? It's looks very little to me." He frowned. I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, if you forget anything, we can come and take it from here. Let's just put this in the trunk for now." He said and placed the boxes in his car's trunk.

Meanwhile, I hugged my parents and bid my goodbyes.

"Be safe." Dad smiled.

"I'll miss you." Mom said and wiped her tears.

"I'll miss you too, guys." I smiled. Felix came and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, aunt Mary. I'll take good care of her." He smiled at me. "Let's take a picture." He pulled out his phone and took a selfie. He was standing beside my mom with his arm around her shoulder and I was standing in front of my dad with his hand on my shoulder and we all were smiling.

"Come on, Lexi. Hurry up now." He told me. I nodded and hugged my parents before getting in the car.

Felix placed his hand on my thigh and smiled before we started driving off.




"Home Sweet Home." Felix said as soon as we stepped inside our new home, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I smiled as he kissed my cheek. "I have a surprise for you."

"Really? What?" I asked him.

"If I tell you, it wouldn't be a surprise." He chuckled. "But, if you really want to see, let's go to our bedroom." He placed his hand in mine and we walked towards the bedroom. When he opened the door, my jaw dropped.

The walls now had pictures of Felix and I together. Some were with Emily and Mike too but most of it was him and I.

There was this one picture I loved. I even have it as my wallpaper.

Once, Emily, Mike and we went for a double date and were eating icecream. Felix then thought it would be fun to apply icecream on my cheek. So, when I asked him to clean it, he licked it up and that's when Emily took our photo.

"When did you do all this?" I asked.

"Last night after calling you." He answered. "Since you said that it feels really empty, I thought why not fill it with memories."

My eyes almost teared up in happiness.

"No, don't you dare cry now." He warned, cupping my face my pecking my nose, sweetly.

"Fine. I won't." I rolled my eyes and wiped my eyes. "You're really nice, Felix. I love you." I hug him.

"Fuck, I love it when you say it first. I love you too, baby." He hugged me back. "Let's first unpack and arrange everything." I nodded and pulled back.

We started doing our work. I arranged the closet for both of us while he arranged everything in the study. It took us totally an hour to do everything. We still had fun and chatted all along. When finally done with everything, both us flopped on the bed and sighed.

"For rest of our evening, what do you wanna do?" Felix asked as he pulled me over him.

"What are our options?" I asked, tapping his chest with my fingers.

"One, we can just stay here and cuddle together. Two, we can order pizza and watch a movie. Three, we can go for a walk around the City and get known to our neighborhood." He listed.

"Hmm. Option number three it is." I smiled. He thought for a while before smirking at me.

"I have one more option." He said. I kept quiet, letting him continue. "And it involves us getting naked and making love to each other." He whispered in my ear, biting my earlobe. I blushed and hit his chest, giggling.

"You're really getting bad, Felix."

"Really? What was the last time we did it?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Last week." I answered. He frowned.

"That's seven long days, my love. It's been so long." He mumbled, burying his face in crook of my neck, placing wet kisses. "Oh god, Lexi.."


"I realised something." He muttered.


"Lexi, rhymes with sexy." He stated with a cheeky grin. I deadpanned and gave him a look that said 'seriously?' I got off of him. He tried to pull me back but I shrugged his hands off. "I was kidding babe. Come here." He laughed.

"Get up and get ready. Option three."




We roamed around the City, hand in hand, smiling at each other, wordlessly. Felix was wearing a white shirt with few buttons from the top unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up.

He looked so good looking. So handsome.

"You're staring." He stated, still looking ahead. I smiled and blushed. "And now, you're blushing." I hit him arm and whined as he teased me even more. "And now, you are whining."

"Okay, stop! Enough." I laughed. He finally looked at me and chuckled.

"Fine. Do you wanna see the place where I'll be working?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I can?"

"If you want to." He shrugged. "It's not very far from here. We just need to take a left at this corner." He said and we walked as he guided.

We stopped in front of a huge building and I read its name.

"Bax's Gold Gym." I read aloud. I looked at Felix and he nodded.

"I'm gonna be a gym trainer." He proudly said. I smiled.

"You definitely look like a professional." I said and he kissed my head. He then sighed in disappointment, looking at the building while rubbing my arm with his hand. "What are you thinking?"

"I just...I just have a feeling that we won't get to see each other more often like before." He stated. I frowned.

"Why? We live in same house, of course you'll see me all the time." He chuckled softly and shook his head.

"Let's just not talk about it now. Tell me, wanna have some icecream?" He asked even though he already knew my answer.

"Never say no to the icecream." I said and we walked into the icecream store nearby.

Later that evening, we just roamed around. We had dinner at a small diner. While walking home, we met a guy who was selling red roses on the street. Felix got me one of them but paid the guy double for it, making him keep the change.

When we reached our new home, we both were tired from all walking. We just changed into our PJ's and fell asleep, laying on our stomachs and facing each other with my right leg over his left leg.

It was a start of our new life.

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