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Felix's POV


I saw Alexa smiling at me as soon as she spotted me. I smiled back and was about to walk further when I suddenly found myself pinned to the near wall.

For a second, I went blank.

And the next second, I saw a pink haired girl with lots of piercings standing in front of me. Her one hand beside my head and other on my chest.

"Hey hotness. Wanna have a quickie?" She said, moving her lip closer to mine. I pushed her away with a little force, enough to keep distance between us. She stumbled a little on her heels before balancing herself.

"Fuck off and find someone else." I glared at her.

"Did you just reject me?" She stomped her feet.

"Get used to it. You'll get more of it in future." I said and walked to my love.

Her hands were clenched with fists, her eyes were shut and she was biting hard on her lower lip.

Poor lip.

I raised my hand and pulled it out.

"Jesus. Have a little mercy on that lip." I smiled. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Hi, sweet-cheeks." I said and decided not to talk about what just happened.

Present time:

"I'm fine." She said and smiled. I sighed and nodded, kissing her forehead.

"I have to go now." I said, looking at my watch.

"It's okay. Don't be late, go." She said.

"I'm sorry, Lexi." I whispered.

"Don't be." She said and pecked my lips, sweetly. "Bye." I nodded and left.




Alexa's POV

My classes were over but Felix still had one more to go. I was sitting in the library, waiting for his to finish. I decided to text him.

I'm in the library.
Find me after you're done.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat. Suddenly, I saw Mia making her way towards me. She smiled as she saw me.

"Hi Alexa." She said and sat in front of me.

"Hi, Mia." I smiled back. She opened her books and started doing something. Then she looked up and cleared her throat.

"Um...can I ask you something?" I nodded. "Who was that..guy you were with earlier? In the canteen I mean."

"My boyfriend." I answered. Her eyes widened.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah." I said and she smiled.

"You looked cute with him." I giggled and nodded, thanking her. "I just want to say, don't mind whatever Lilith and Jasmine said to you. Those girls are trouble. It's better to stay away from them." She said.

"Hmm. How do you know?" I asked.

"I was in same highschool as them. Those girl had a different group in highschool. They used to pick on others too." She mumbled.

"You mean they bullied other?" I raised my eyebrows. She nodded sadly. I guess, she was bullied too. "I'm sorry for you." I whispered.

"It's fine actually. It wasn't that harsh or anything. I just had to do their homework." She chuckled.

My phone beep-ed. I looked down to see a text from Felix.

Mr Hotty:
I just got free. I'm on my way.


"Was that your boyfriend?" Mia asked. I blushed and nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be going home now." I grabbed my backpack and stood up. Felix entered the same time and smiled. I waved to Mia and grabbed Felix's hand, walking out.

"Hi, my love." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled as we walked towards the car. I stopped in mid way, making him look at me in confusion.

"I'm hungry." I pouted. He quickly kissed my pout.

"Wanna grab a bite?" He smirked. I clutched his arm to my chest and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Only if you pay." I sheepishly said, making him laugh as we got in the car and drove off.




"Here's your order." The waiter said as he placed our orders in front of us and walked off.

I quickly started digging in. I was seriously so hungry since lunch time.

I heard Felix chuckle at me. I rolled my eyes and we continued eating in silence.

I looked outside the window, chewing my food. There were a few kids, all wearing same coloured shirts and shorts that looked like a uniform. They all looked so cute. They were only about 3-5 years of age.

In front of them was a pretty old lady, who was smiling at them and taking to them with so much affection.

"Wanna make one of those?" I heard Felix said. I looked at him, only to see him smirking. I shook my head, smiling. "Imagine how our kids will be." He said.

"How?" I asked.

"Smart and beautiful and handsome, like me." He said with a proud smile. I glared at him and threw a fry at his face. "Hey! Don't waste the food."

"Y-" I started but he shoved a fry in my mouth. I angrily chewed it, looking at him.

"My dear muffin," he said as the waiter came with two chocolate muffins, "have a muffin." He said, placing one in my plate. I rolled my eyes at him and ate my food again. I looked out of the window again and saw the kids and the lady walking forward.

"How was your day, Lexi? Did you make any friends?" He asked. I shook my head.

"It was fine. I only know one girl. Her name is Mia." I tell him. "What about you?"

"It was okay. I miss the times in highschool when we used to sit together in classes. It was fun." He said with a smile. I nodded. "Hurry up now." He said.





We were home now. I had changed into Felix's shirt and shorts and both of us were in our study, studying.

I have been trying so hard to write the essay I was told this morning but all I can remember are the bad moments I wish would just disappear from my life.

"Lexi?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up, meeting Felix's gaze.


"I have been calling you since last five minutes. Aren't you done yet?" He asked.

"N-no, I'm n-not." I said, stuttering.

"Um...okay. I'll make dinner. You continue with your work." He smiled and kissed my head. I smiled back and nodded. As soon as he left, I sighed and leaned back in my seat, throwing my head back in frustration.

I hate it when Felix sees me sad or worried. If I'm sad, he'll become sad too and I don't want that.

A few minutes later, Felix came in again.

"You're not done yet?" I shook my head with a pout which got kissed away by him. "Come here." He leaned down and hugged me. I thought it was just a hug so I hugged him back tightly and sighed into it, relaxing.

But then, he picked me up, in same position and carried me to the kitchen. He had made noodles. He served it in a plate and then started feeding me.

"Eat, my little baby." He cooed, teasing me. I hit his arm and laughed.

We both ate and chatted together before going to bed.

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