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Alexa's POV

Groaning, I stretched my hands up and opened my eyes to look at my boyfriend but only get the empty bed in my sight. I frowned.

He never left without telling me.

I searched if there was a note he had left and checked my phone for texts or messages but no. There was nothing.

Still thinking about what must had happened, I walked into the shower.

It's been four years since that thing happened. One year since we graduated and a lot of things happened in last four years.

For starters, Felix overtook the company from his father after about three months of experience. It took him a little time to get adjusted to the new lifestyle but now he is doing great.

Emily is working as personal assistant of Harmony Walter, world's one the best fashion designers. Mike works in Felix's company as some financial manager or something. They are continuously bickering about something but they are good.

I whereas, work for an NGO that Betty gave me in her will. It was actually a big surprise when we found out about it at her funeral. Her son who was in abroad didn't want to do anything with the NGO either.

Penelope and Jessica got actually married five months back. It was fun. Penelope works with me at the NGO too. Jessica...well. She hates kids so she just sits in my office all day long.


I called Felix while drying my hair with the hair dryer.

"Hello?" A girl said which I recognised as his assistant, May.

"It's me. Alexa. Where's he?" I asked.

"Oh. Hello ma'am. Boss is currently busy right now and he has told me not to disturb him. We are on our way to a meeting." She tells me.

"Okay. It's fine. Just let him know that I called."

"Okay ma'am. Have a good day."

"You too." I smiled and hung up. I wore a black tshirt and a pair of shorts before coming downstairs in the kitchen where our cook, Joe was making breakfast.

"Good morning, soon to be Mrs Colton." She said with a teasing smile. She always teases me about it.

"Morning, JoJo." I said with her nickname. "What's for the breakfast?"

"Yummy pancakes and...well, yummy pancakes." She giggled and I joined her too. She served me while I ate. I got a few calls from Penelope and a few people who were interested in donating for my NGO.

"By the way, I made some cookies for your kids in your NGO." She said with a smile, placing a box on the table.

"Thank you, Joe." I smiled. She just shrugged and left when she finished her work. I too got ready and left for the NGO.


It was seven in the evening now when I reached back home and Felix was still nowhere in sight. I tried to call him so many times but he won't pick.

Where are you? What about dinner?

I texted him.

The door opened and May, his assistant came in with a bag in her hand. She smiled when she saw me but then gave me a pity look.

"Boss wants you to get ready. Kyle will drop you at the restaurant."

"Why? Did he say something?" I asked.

"I don't know much but he wants to have a serious talk with you. Have a good night, Ms Parker." She smiled, handing me the bag and left. I peeked inside the bag and saw a beautiful navy blue dress with a slit near the thigh. I smiled and went upstairs to change.

I called Emily to ask her about make up and all. She guided me through video call and I did what she told.

I looked pretty good.

I grabbed my clutch and walked out, sitting in the car. Kyle greeted me before driving to the restaurant.

It took us about twenty minutes to reach their. Kyle opened the door for me and I thanked him.

I looked around but there was no sigh of Felix.

"Sir must be inside, ma'am. Check if there's any reservation." Kyle said, reading my mind.

"Yeah. Thank you, Kyle." I smiled and walked inside of the restaurant. A waitress showed me to a table that had been reserved under Felix's name. But still, he wasn't anywhere.

There was no one else in the restaurant except for me and few waitresses and chefs.

I was drinking water when I heard a familiar distant voice talking over phone.

"Yeah...okay...cool. I got it." And then, he hung up. He finally turned back, facing me and I saw his face for the first time since morning.

"Hey F—" I started with a smile but he cut me off.

"We need to talk." He said in a very odd kind of tone. Maybe it was nervousness and fear.

"About—" I started again but got cut off when the lights went off.

"Alexa." Felix started. "I'm sorry but...we need to break up."

And for that one second, my world, time even my heartbeat stopped.

"W....w-why?" All I got was silence. "Um...it's...it's fine I gues. Uh... o-okay. I'll...just..g-go." I was thankful for the darkness because he couldn't see the tears that had flowed down my cheeks. I didn't want him to see my tears. Never ever.

I grabbed my clutch and wiped my cheeks.

"Can I at least know the reason?" I asked.

"I'm tired, Alexa. I'm tired of you being my girlfriend." He said with a sigh. I got up and was about to leave when I felt his grip on my hand. "That's why I'm asking you..." He trailed off.

Suddenly, everything brightened up. There were candles everywhere and it was a beautiful view. There was also food on our table now and balloons everywhere in the restaurant.

I turned around, facing him with teary face that now he could see. But he was grinning at me and pulled me closer to him, holding my wrist.

"Will you be my wife?" He whispered with a smile.


"We need to break up, right? You need to stop being my girlfriend to be my wife." He said, making me realise what the situation actually was.

"This is the worst way to propose someone." I mumbled, sniffing and wiping my tears. I hit his chest. "I hate you." I pouted and cried a little more.

He chuckled and pulled him into his chest, rubbing my hair.

"I thought it would surprise you. I never thought you would cry thinking I am actually gonna leave you." He chuckled again. "So, will you be my wife?"

I shook my head. "No."

"What? Why?" He frowned, playfully. He knew I was playing with him too.

"Because, you made me cry." I hit his chest, sniffing again. He pouted and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry, my love. I promise I will make you happy rest of your life. I love you." He kissed my head. "Please, Lexi, be my wife?"

"Okay." I mumbled in his ear and giggled, hugging him. He pulled back a little, shoving his hand in his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. He immediately pulled out the ring and threw the box away, slipping the ring over my finger.

It was a beautiful, silver ring with a light pink coloured diamond in center with lots of white diamond rings around it.

"It's beautiful." I whispered as the people in there who watched the whole scene started clapping.

"Just like you." He tucked a strand of hair away and leaned down, claiming my lips. I nibbled on his bottom lip, making him groan and grab my ass. I pulled back before he could turn this into a fierce makeout session.

"I love you." I pecked his cheek.

"I love you too, Lexi. Forever And Always."

Forever And Always (Part Two)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz