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Felix's POV

"Felix. Wake up." I heard Alexa whisper. I groaned and turned to her, keeping my eyes close. "Wake up, Felix. We have to get ready and go back town today. Don't you remember?"

"Hmm." Was all I responded with.

"Okay, fine. Sleep all you want. Remove your hand off of me." She said in anger. With all energy she had in her after last night, she managed to remove my arm off of her waist and was about leave when I caught her wrist and pulled her back in a jerk, making her fall on top of me with a jerk.

She was still naked.

"Morning, hotness." I mumbled and smirked at her. She peeked from her long eyelashes and blushed red, probably remembering the last night.

"Morning." She muttered, attempting to get up. I pulled her back and turned us over so now I was on top of her, pinning her to bed. A little amount of silence later, she smiled and looked up at me. "You know that Jessica?"

"Who?" I frowned.

"The pink haired girl you met on our first day. That one." She said.

"What about her?"

"She has a girlfriend." She whispered and giggled to herself. I smiled seeing her happy.


"So, she won't know...come close to you like our first day. I'm just happy." She smiled and blushed.

"Yeah?" She nodded and trailed her hand over my ribs.

"Are you all good now? Or should we see the doctor before we go home?"

"No need, muffin. I'm all good." I kissed her head. Suddenly, I felt a small sting on my chest that made me flop on the bed, wincing. Alexa got up, wrapping sheets around her body and ran away giggling.

She fucking pinched my nipple!




"Babes, here." I said as I served Alexa a pancake. She kissed my lips before I walked back to the stove. She fed me a bite of her pancake before eating it herself. "Good?"

"Delicious!" She grinned. I chuckled and kissed her side of head. "When we go back, what are your plans for the break?"

"I don't know. What about you?"

"I'm gonna spend time with my parents and Emily." She said. I raised my eyebrow.

"What about me?"

"You can go and spend time with your parents too." She suggested. I nodded, thinking.

The pancake was made and I turned the stove off.

"Hey Felix.." Alexa called, sadness lingering in her voice. I looked up at her due to sudden change in her tone.


"Why...didn't...why didn't you file a police report about those people when you were in hospital?" She asked in soft tone.

"Hmm." I sighed. "I just want a simple life for us, Lexi. No drama, no stupid stuff and no disturbances. Those people were probably chasing me for money, you know. Some street gangs do rob people in empty alleys. Plus, I'm here now. I'm safe, you're safe. That's all that matters for me."

She didn't say anything but nodded.

"Anyways, did you pack everything you need?" I smiled, changing the mood.

"Yeah. Your stuff too. But you should check once if I'm missing anything." She said. I nodded.

While I was washing dishes, Lexi was wiping them, sitting on the counter. I decided to ask her the thing that has been nagging me since last few days.

"Lexi," she looked up at me. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"W-why do you ask?"

"Just so you know, if there's anything that's troubling you, you can tell me. I'm here." I gave a soft smile with a nod.

"T-there are a few things, but I promise to tell you soon. Just not right now. Especially not on our anniversary." She chuckled. I nodded and gave her the last dish to wipe.





"Why did you pack two different bags?" I frowned and asked Alexa. She shrugged.

"Because we go to different houses? I mean, you'll be at your house and I'll be at mine, right?"

I almost forgot that we have different houses.

"Hmm. Okay, I guess." I muttered and loaded in our luggage.

"Do you wanna drive or should I?" She asked.

"I'll drive. Are you sure you got everything?" I asked for the last time.

"Yep! We are ready to leave." She got in and so did I. She called her parents, letting them know that we are left and are on our way. Obviously, both of them were happy to hear that.

About an hour later, we still had two more hours to go, Alexa turned to me, looking all serious.

"Felix, from that earlier conversation, I want to tell you something."


"On my first day in English lecture, our professor told us to write an essay on old memories and...and I don't know why, but...the...flashbacks from highschool were continuously flashing through my mind whenever I thought about it."

"What memories, Alexa?"

"You know, that Jackson and all." My grip tightened on the steering wheel. But still, I was concerned about her.

"And then?"

"I talked to my professor and he told me not to focus on bad memories but the good ones. And that's what I did. It's was all you. All my good moments, from the first time I met you to till now, everything with you is just good and perfect." She smiled. "And I'm sure it will be the same in future." She whispered.

And here I thought I was the only one thinking about my future with her.

"Of course, Love." I smiled and kissed her knuckles. "But you should have told me."

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"You should sleep for a little while. We have two more hours to go there." I tell her.

"You sure?" I nodded. She smiled and leaned back, sleeping off.

I took a right turn to our town and that's when I spotted a black car behind us. It looked familiar in some way but I just couldn't put my finger on where I have seen it before.

Shrugging it off, I took one more turn and the black car was still behind us.

Is it following us?

I frowned and increased the speed and so did the car. I took one more turn at right and the car went in left.

Sighing in relief, I wiped off the sweat beads that had formed on my forehead and neck.


Alexa's phone rang. I looked to see who it was.

He found out. Be safe.

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