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Alexa's POV

I told him, everything. And now we were again drowned in an uncomfortable silence. None of us speaking a word.

Felix rubbed his hands over his face before looking at me with a slight worried look.

"From how many days have you been knowing this all?" He asked.

"Since the day you came back home from the hospital." I answered. He got up and sat in the chair beside me, pulling me in a hug. I quickly wrapped my hands around his neck and buried my face in his chest.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked, brushing my hair with his fingers.

"It's just that...everything happened so fast. You came home, then we had our anniversary and then we were coming back to our town and then your birthday. I just never got my chance to tell you anything." I tell him. "I'm sorry."

"I wish you had told me sooner." He said. "But, it's fine. Just promise me, next time you won't keep something this serious from me."

"I promise." I tell him with a nod.

"Pack everything up when you get home. We are leaving today." He tells me.

"I know." I nodded. He pecked my lips and my forehead before sighing.

"Wait for bit here. I'll talk to my dad and then drop you at your home, yeah?" He smiled.

"Okay." He was about to leave, but I stopped him. "Felix. You're not mad at me, are you?"

"No, love." He shook his head with a smile. "I can never be mad at you."




"You packed everything?" Mom asked, standing near the door frame.

"Yeah. Almost done." I tell her with a smile. She smiled back as she stepped in and sat on my bed beside me while I was zipping the bags.

"You know what, Alexa? You were right." She said, making me go all confused. "That day, like you said, you'll be happy together and you love each other, you were right. I see that now." She tells me.

"Thanks mom." I said with a grin.

"Just be happy. It doesn't matter with whom." She said.

"It's always gonna be him." I tell her. She just smiled and kissed my head before heading out. My phone then rang.

My Cutie:
Are you done? I'm on my way to your house.

That's right. I changed his name from Mr Hotty to My Cutie.

I'm done. Drive safe.

The lift the bags and take them downstairs. Dad pulls me in for a hug, kissing my head. In return, I kiss his cheek.

"Be safe, princess." He said with a smile.

"Yes dad." I smiled back. The door opened and Felix stepped in. He smiled as soon as he saw me.

"Hey guys." He said, looking at my parents. Both nodded at him. "You ready to go, love?"

"Yes." I said and grabbed my bags which soon got snatched by him. "I can carry them." I tell him with a frown.

"I know." Was all he said before walking towards the car. I sighed, shaking my head with a smile and followed him.

He loaded the bags in the trunk and came up to me with a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Let's go to our home." He whispered in my ear. I giggled and turned around, pecking his lips.

"Let's go."

We both got inside the car, deciding that Felix will drive. I waved to my parents and we drove off.

After driving a little distance, I smiled internally, seeing the ring I gave him around his finger. I twined our hands together and kissed his knuckles like he always kisses mine. He turned to me and smiled, shaking his head.

My eyes suddenly caught something in the mirror. It was two black coloured motorcycles, looked like following us. Both of the guys on it were wearing helmets so I couldn't see who it was. But it made me think of the worse.

"F-Felix." I tugged on his hand.

"What happened, love?"

"I-I think we are being followed." I tell him, pointing at those bikes. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, cupcake." Was all he said.

If you say so...

Suddenly, a black car came in our way. I could see Felix getting tensed. The car did nothing but drive by our side. The windows were tinted and it was night already so I couldn't see who it was inside.

"F-Felix?" I looked at him, questioningly.

"It's fine, baby." He said.

We were now on the high road where no car was in sight.

Suddenly, the black car increased its speed and with a screech, it turned, blocking our way. Two guys with some rod like thing in there hands. Both had masks on there faces and trust me, I was scared as fuck.


"Alexa, bend down. Bend down!" I couldn't register what was going on. Felix held my head from back and made me bend down. I heard the glass shattering. When we both looked up, both of our side windows had broken. Luckily, due to bending down in time, we didn't get hurt by the rods.

Before I knew, I was getting yanked back by hair. The door opened and the guy was no dragging me towards the car. I could see Felix fighting with the other guy who was trying to take him towards the car too.

"Alexa!" He growled.

He punched the guy twice in stomach and once in the throat, making him collapse.

Why is everything getting so blur and dizzy? Why do I feel like a mosquito is biting me on my neck?

And I drop to my knees, hard.

Felix punches and kicks the other guy too before dropping to his knees in front of me and holding me in his arms as my eyes got heavy.

"Lexi? Lexi, look at me." He slapping me cheek slightly. "No, no. You don't have to sleep. You need to stay awake. You hear me?" He asked but I just couldn't form words. "Lexi! Damnit. Answer me!"

I see a guy behind Felix with another rod in his hand.

"L-look...b.." I try to say. He frowned.


"L-look behind-" but it's too late. The guy slams the rod over Felix head, making him pass out. Soon, everything blacks out for me too.




My eyes fluttered open to an unknown touch over my cheek. I groaned, trying to open my eyes fully. Just when I did, I wish I had never opened them.

Jackson was leaning above me. He smirked, sinisterly and grabbed my hair in a jerk, pulling my face closer to his.

"Miss me, bitch?"

Forever And Always (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now