Author's Note And Disclaimer

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Author's Note:

Hey guys!!

Thank you for supporting me so far and loving my stories. I have been reading all the comments and reviews I'm getting and I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.

After such a long time, I'm finally back with a sequel. Hope you guys enjoy it too.

And most importantly, really sorry for having such a long gap. I was going through a hard time and recovered recently and now I'm full of energy!

And since I'm back...

I have a news for you all.

I'm sure you all must be having questions about my stories so here I am, you can ask them. They can be either about the stories even me if you want (just don't ask me about my name and age) and I'll be happy to ask them.


Yeah, there's always a but.

Only first five questions will be answered. You can comment them on this page.

I'll post an separate chapter, answering all those questions.

Till then,

Happy Reading!!!!



# This story is an sequel of my earlier story 'Forever and always'. Do read that before reading this.

Forever And Always (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now