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A few days later.....

Alexa's POV

I groaned as I woke up, hearing some shuffling around me. It was still dark outside and there was no light in our room. I stretched my hand to feel Felix but all I got was cold empty bed.

That made me shot up straight. I looked around, trying to search for him as I yawned sleepily.

"You woke up?" I heard him. Even though it was dark, I could make out him standing in front of the closet with the moonlight passing through the window.

"What are you doing? Come back here." I sleepily said, patting the space beside me. I heard him chuckle.

"Now now, princess. Did you forget that I have work to do? It's my first day at gym today." He told me.

"But it's so early." I hugged the pillow close to me.

"My shift starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:00. It's about 6:00 right now." He said. I felt him walking towards me and when he sat down on the bed beside me, I placed my head on his chest.

"Cool, I guess." I muttered and yawned again. I felt him smile.

"Tell you what, go to sleep again and wake up after a few hours. Our classes start at 10:00, we will go together in our car, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled and nodded.

"Now get off of me, I need to leave." He said. I sat straight, letting him go. When he stood up, I caught his hand. "Yeah?" He said and bent to my level since I was sitting on bed. I quickly pecked his cheek.

"Good luck for your first day." I smiled. He kissed my forehead before leaving.

After he left, I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. So, I got up and decided to make breakfast for both of us.

I showered and brushed my teeth before throwing on one of Felix's shirts and a pair of short. I decided to wear clothes for college later when we leave.

I quickly made sandwiches abd spent my rest of the time comparing Felix's timetable with mine.

Both our classes start at 10:00 but his end at 1:00 while mine end at 12:00.

I was getting bored so I cleaned up our room and packed my backpack, Felix had already packed his.

It was now 8:17 and the door suddenly opened, making me jump. Felix entered the room with a smile. I smiled back.

"How did it go?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"Really annoying. There was this one guy who couldn't understand the difference between a treadmill and stationary bicycle." He said in annoyance. "Anyways, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah." I answered, looking away from him.


"No. I couldn't sleep after you left but I made sandwiches for us. Go and take a shower quickly." I said.

"As you wish, my love." He dramatically said and left for the bathroom.

Meanwhile, I set the plates for us.

"How do I look, sweetheart?" I turned to see him. He was wearing a white shirt with an blue denim jacket and pants. His hair were combed, messily and boy, didn't he look hot.

"Delicious." The words came out breathlessly before I could even process what I was saying. He smirked and held my chin, pulling my face closer to his with our lips just an inch apart.

"Really? How about you eat me then?" He whispered, seductively before placing his lips on mine. He didn't make any move to move them or press them. It was as if he was waiting for me take the first move.

And I did.

I pulled him closer and started moving my lips, taking the lead as he followed. His hands caught my waist and pulled me over his lap without breaking the kiss. We pulled back slightly for air before crashing them together again, this time with much more passion and want.

The growing hardness below me, made me stop and pull back from him.

"Why?" Felix pouted. I giggled and pecked his lips lightly for the last time.

"We don't have time for that, Felix. Let's eat." I hand him his plate. He rolled his eyes and took one bite. He then looked at me and laughed for something I don't know. But before I could question him, he pecked my cheekbone, making me blush.

After we were done, Felix agreed to wash the dishes while I get ready. I pulled on a black t-shirt and paired it with blue ripped jeans and boots. I pulled my hair in a ponytail and applied lipbalm.

"Done?" I turned and saw Felix leaning against the door frame with his arms folded as he looked at me. I nodded as I grabbed my backpack. "You look amazing, Lexi." He leaned in and pecked my lips. As he pulled back, he groaned in annoyance and wiped his lips.

"You applied that stupid sticky thing again? You know that I don't like it." He rolled his eyes.

"That stupid sticky thing has a name: lipbalm. Let's go now or we will be late." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out with me.




"So this is it?" I asked. Felix nodded, looking ahead.

"Yeah. This is where we part our ways." He spoke seriously. I hummed. "Let's go." He held my hand as we walked. We came to a spot and turned to each other.

"I'll see you soon." I smiled. He looked at our hands for a second before suddenly pulling me to him in a jerk, our noses touching. I blushed hard as he stared deep in my eyes.

I felt a feeling of deja vu washing all over me.

"I'll see you around, Alexa." He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Then he kissed back of my hand and twirled me before letting me go. He walked a little ahead and then turned back to look at me. He then smirked and winked at me before actually walking away.

I giggled, shaking my head and walked to my class.

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