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Alexa's POV

"Okay. You guys can leave. Just keep your assignments on the table." Mr Gilbert said. One by one everyone placed their assignments on the table, even Jessica. When it was my turn, I fiddled with my fingers and sighed.

"I'm s-sorry, Mr Gilbert. I didn't do mine." I tell him. He sighed and folded his hands on his chest, sitting on the table. Mia waved to me as she left.

"What's the matter, Ms Parker? I have been seeing you since last few days and you haven't even completed your one assignments." He said. I just kept quiet and looked down. "Do you not understand how to write an essay? Or diary? You have to tell me your problem or I can't help you and if this continues, I'm sorry but you won't get any grades for this semester."

"I'm sorry, Mr Gilbert." I mumbled.

"Saying sorry will not get you grades, Ms Parker." He said with his eyes softened. "Think about it. And if you have any doubts or wanna talk, here's my card." He said, handing me his card.

"Thank you, Mr Gilbert." I said. He looked at me for a second before walking away. I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face.




We got in the car and sat before Felix drove to our home. I was looking out of the window, thinking about the card. Should I call or should I not?

"What's worrying your pretty little head?" Felix asked, tapping my head. I swat his arm and sighed.

"Assignments." I answered. "My teacher says I won't get grades this semester."

"What? Of course, you will get grades. How dare he say that?" He said angrily.

Felix Colton to my rescue.

I smiled and pinched his cheek. "You're cute." I tell him. He frowned.

"Cute? I'm hot and sexy, Ms Parker. You get that? Hot. And. Sexy." He said in annoyance.

The car stopped in our parking lot and we both got out and jumped in his back, making him carry me to the elevator.

"Come here my sexy." I grinned and kissed his cheek, sloppily. He whined, totally annoyed. As soon as we got inside the elevator, he placed me down and pinned me to corner.

"Now, what were you saying?" He whispered, licking his lips, seductively as he leaned in. My eyes immediately fluttered close as I waited for his lips to touch mine. Suddenly I heard a loud throat clearing and I pushed Felix off of me with all force I had, resulting in him hitting his back to the wall.

"Oh shit, did I hurt you?" I asked quickly rushing to him. He groaned and shook his head.

"It's okay. I'm fine." He said. The old man who just entered the elevator shook his head in annoyance.

"Youngsters." He muttered. Felix rolled his eyes placed his hand around my waist. I tried to push him back and keep space but he won't let me.

When we came to our house, Felix said he would make lunch for us while I get changed and freshen up.

While washing my face, I thought about Mr Gilbert's words. Should I talk to him? Maybe he will understand and help me.

"Lunch is ready, sweetness. Come." I heard his voice.

"Coming." I said back and walked out wearing his shirt and shorts.

I took a few bites from my lunch and started chewing, still thinking about the earlier thing.

"Why do you look so sad? Is the lunch not good?" Felix frowned. I shook my head.

"No, it's delicious." I said and pecked his lips. "Food made by you is always delicious." I tell him. He smirked proudly.

"I know. I'm great, right?" I rolled my eyes but still smiled. "I have to tell you something."


"A guy from my gym is absent for his evening batch so I'll have to take it. I'm getting paid for it. Double." He said. "So I won't be here in the evening and will be home around seven. Are you okay with that?"

"Of course." I nodded though I was sad about it.

"Thanks, babes." He said and kissed me. I kissed him back and smiled. "I'll go get ready. See you then." He kissed my cheek, sweetly and went in the room.




"Hello?" Mr Gilbert said from the other side of phone.

"H-hi, Mr Gilbert. It's me, Alexa Parker." I said.

"Oh. Yes, Ms Parker. Have you decided?" He asked.

"I would like to talk." I said.

"I'll text you the time and address." He said and hung up. A few seconds later, I got a text from an unknown number, telling me to meet them at kid's park in an hour.




I was sitting on a bench, watching the kids playing on swings and slides.

"Slow down, girls." Someone said. I looked to my right and saw Mr Gilbert with two little girls. He waved at me and I waved back before standing. "Hi, Alexa. I can call you that for now, right?"

"Sure." I smiled.

"Girls, greet her." He said to the two girls. They looked so alike it was really difficult to differentiate between them.

"Hi Ms Alexa." Both of them said in unison and waved at me shyly, hiding behind their dad's legs.

"Hi, lovelies." I smiled at them.

"You can go and play now." He tells them and they run off. He then turns to me and we both sat on the bench.

"Do you know Alexa, there are two types of people in the world, according to me. Type A: these people have their opinions and are never afraid to express themselves. It can be through speeches and lectures or even a simple writing on a page. And then their are type B: these people have lots of things to say, to express but, some incidents of the past hold them back." He paused.

"You are type B. Don't dwell on past. Move on and perceive what you want." He said.

"It's hard to move on and just forget everything." I muttered but he heard quiet clearly.

"I know and I do understand. But you too have understand that thinking about it will only result in your loss." He said. "I'm all ears if you wanna talk."

After that we were drowned in silence. I sighed and started speaking. I need to let it go off my chest.

"Back in highschool, t-there was a g-guy. He u-used know h-harrass me and those moments and just continuously ringing in my head whenever I think about my memories. That all I can see. Me crying and him smirking evilly." I tell him, taking a deep breath.

"And then what happened? After you cried?"

I thought for a little while before remembering that moment and I found the answer.

Felix. He had me in his arms.

"Felix..." I whispered.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"My boyfriend." I said and his caused him to smile and chuckle softly.

"If he's your boyfriend Alexa, I'm sure you must have a lot of memories of him too. Memories that are way more happier, nicer and comforting than the those you're thinking of. Think about them. Think about the emotions you feel when you're with him or when you overcome your problems with him. Write them down I'm sure, your assignments will be best and you'll get good grades for that."

"Thank you, Mr Gilbert." I smile at him. He nodded.

"I don't usually do this but, you just remind me of someone." He said with a chuckle.

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