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Felix's POV

My eyes opened to a familiar beeping of an annoying beeping machine. I groaned as I tried to get up and winced suddenly when I felt the pain creeping through my body.

"Felix? You awake?" I heard my love's concern filled voice. She then called the doctor I guess who did something. I could only hear shuffling and muffled voices.

Why the hell can't I see anything!?

"Felix. You hear me?" I heard a manly voice say.

"Yes, you bitch!" I cussed, feeling annoyed and frustrated. I then heard Alexa apologizing to that man.

"It's no problem, Ms Parker. Just go outside." The man said. "So, Felix. I'm gonna remove the bandage from your eyes, okay? But, don't open your eyes until I tell you to. Do you understand?"

"Fucking remove it already!" I was getting restless. I didn't know what was happening nor what's gonna happen to me now which was really frustrating.

"Don't move please. You will hurt yourself." The man spoke again. I took a few deep breaths and stayed still.

A few seconds later, I felt as if weight as been lifted off from my eyes. Some more shuffling and sounds later, the man spoke again.

"On count of three, you slowly open your eyes. Understand?"

"Yes." I said.

"One...two...three. Open your eyes, slowly." He said and I did. When my eyes were fully opened, I saw a man in white coat leaning above me. He flashed light in my eyes with a small torch and sighed in relief. He then started moving fingers in front of them. "Can you tell me how many fingers you see?" He said, showing me two fingers of his right hand.

"Two." I said. He sighed again and then moved his fingers a little back. "Still two." I rolled my eyes.

"That's good. Looks like your eyes have recovered properly. Would you like to meet your family?" I nodded. "Good. I'll call them in." He smiled and walked off, closing the door behind him.

The door opened again and entered a worried looking Alexa. Her face was stained with tears, she looked like she hasn't be sleeping since a few days and seeing me, she started to crying again.

"F-Felix..." A small whisper left her lips. She rushed to my side and grabbed my hand. "I-I'm s-so sorry, Felix. I didn't p-pick your p-phone call." She sobbed. I felt bad seeing her like that. It's all my fault again.

"Don't cry, cupcake. You're just making me feel guilty now." I frowned and motioned her to hug me. She shook her head.

"It's fine. You will get hurt-" I pulled her by hand, making her fall on top of me. I winced a little due to pain but still hugged. She slowly relaxed in my arms and sighed.

"I'm fine, my love. Just calm down and don't cry." I whispered in her ear. She nodded before pulling back and grabbing my hand again.

"Your parents are here." She quietly told me. I frowned.

"What? Where?"

"They had gone to the canteen when doctor called us in. They must be coming soon." She gave me a soft smile. I smiled back and nodded. "Do you need me to get you something?"

"Yes. Get me the fuck out of here." I groaned.

"Other than that?" I shook my head.

"Did you tell the cops?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I panicked after seeing you like that when I arrived. I got you to hospital as soon as I could." She said.

"Okay." I smiled at her, caressing her cheek. She kissed my knuckles and intertwined our fingers.

"Don't scare me like that ever again or it will be me giving you a bruised eye." She glared at me. I chuckled before wincing again. She rushed to my side again, concerned. "What's wrong? Should I call the doctor?"

"It's fine. My ribs hurt and you made me laugh." She frowned.

"Okay. I won't make you laugh." She said and that just made me laugh more. "Don't laugh. You're hurting." She said.

"Goddamn, Lexi. I fucking love you so much." I tell her. She smiled.

"I love you too, Felix." She said in a whisper. Just then the door opened and mom and dad stepped in.

"Look. I told you my son is a fighter. Nothing's gonna happen to him." Dad said, looking at Mom. Mom rolled her eyes.

"A bruised eye, broken ribs, sprained ankle and sore back, isn't nothing." Mom said. Now, dad rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean."

"No, I don't." Mom huffed. Alexa chuckled watching them.

"They are so cute." She whispered to me.

Yeah. Come to my home when my dad breaks mom's favourite crockery.

"Sure." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Mom sat on a stool beside me and ran her hand through my hair, lovingly.

"Are you fine, son?" She asked. Dad rolled his eyes.

"Of course, he's fine, Loren." Mom glared at him and shuts up.

"I'm fine, mom." I tell her.

"Loren, go and get something for Alexa. She hasn't eaten since yesterday night." Dad tells her. I look at Alexa with surprise and she looks away from me.

We are gonna talk about this. You ain't getting away.

"That's right. Come Alexa." Mom took Alexa out. Alexa gave me one last concerned look before leaving.

I turned to dad as he took a seat.

"Care to tell me how the hell did this happen?" He asked in a mocking tone. I sighed and started him telling my story.

I was coming home from a walk I took since I was getting bored alone at home. I called Alexa to see if she has reached home or not. She didn't pick up. I sighed and continued walking home. I was about to take a left turn when two bulky men stood in front of me and blocked my way.

I just moved a little to right and walked past them. Then as I got nearer to my home, I started hearing footsteps. I just got the feeling that someone's following me. I turned back and a punch was thrown my way. It hit me right in the jaw.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled as the sudden attack. The two men from earlier were standing in front of me again with scowls on their faces. One of them was gonna punch me again but I beat him to it and punched his nose first.

"You fucker!" He yelled as he punched me in my stomach and then my eye. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine while covering my eye with one hand. He groaned loudly and fell on the ground. I was about to run, when two more men appeared and hit the same eye again.

I slapped one of them and ran home, calling Alexa.

Suddenly, my ankle twisted and I fell down. I got up again and stumbled my way up to my apartment. The guard asked me what happened and I just ignored him.

When I stepped inside my house, my eyes became dizzy and everything was revolving around me. I dialled the ambulance but before I could place the call, I collapsed.

"That's what happened." I tell him. He hummed.

"Well," he started. "At least these muscles weren't just for making girls drool over you." He chuckled.

Forever And Always (Part Two)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang