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Alexa's POV

"Good. Now, lay down." I said to Felix as I helped him to lay on the bed. He groaned a little and sighed when he finally laid down. I smiled at him and adjusted the pillows for him.

"Thanks, babe." He muttered, closing his eyes slowly.

"I'm leaving now, okay? I'll be back soon." I kissed his cheek lightly. He nodded, still his eyes closed. "Bye."

"Bye, muffin. Be back soon and be safe." He muttered. I giggled and left the house.




"Hey Alexa." I turned and saw Mia coming my way. I smiled at her as I pulled my phone out.

"Hey Mia."

"What are you doing here? Let's go to our next class." She said, tugging on my hand.

"Yeah. You go ahead, I'll come soon. I have to place a call." I tell her. She gave me a teasing look.

"Ooh. Your boyfriend?" I giggled and nodded. "Okay then. I'll see you soon." She left. I quickly called Felix and he picked up, almost immediately.

"Hey, cupcake." He chirped.

"Hey. Did you take your meds?" I asked. He chuckled, nervously.

" I mean, I was about to. I swear."

"Don't be like this, Felix. You should take your meds on time." I frowned.

"Of course, babe. I'm sorry, I forgot. Now, go. You will get late for you class." And he hung up. I sighed and walked to my class.

While going, I saw my three most un-favourite people in the world. Jessica, Jasmine and Lilith.

They looked like they were talking about something really important and looked like it's something secretive.

I just ignored them and walked on my way.

"Hey!" I heard. I turned and saw Jessica calling me. She motioned me to come there with her hand. I shook my head and walked on my way.

Since when did this hallway become so long? Why can't I just reach to my class?

Suddenly, a grip tightened on my wrist and I was jerked back, causing me to yelp.

"Listen, doll." I heard Jessica's voice say. "You better listen to me when I say something." She said. She let go of my wrist and I turned to her.

Damn. She's scary.

"Look, whatever your name is, I need to talk to you and it's fucking important. So you better be there at 'Morning Cafe' after college. Do you understand?" I gulped and nodded. "Good. Now, fuck off."

I scurried off but not before heading Lilith and Jasmine giggle.




What does she want from me? I never did anything to her. Hell, I never even talked to her. Is she gonna bully me now? But, why?

"You coming in or not?" Someone said. I jumped in surprise, startled. It was Jasmine, giving me a boring look. I nodded and followed her in.

Lilith and Jessica were already sitting there. Both of them scrolling through their phones.

"She's here." Jasmine annouced. Both of them put their phones back in and Jessica motioned me to sit. I hesitantly sat opposite to her, between Lilith and Jasmine.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"That boyfriend of yours. Is he okay?" Jessica asked, leaning back. I frowned.

"Why are you asking me that? Nothing happened to him." I said. She chuckled.

"Don't lie, doll. I know what happened." She leaned in. "And I also know, who did that and why he did that."

"I...I don't wanna hear it." I tell her.

"Are you sure?" She raised her eyebrow. Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up, smirking at me. "'re here?...okay, come." And then she hung up.

My phone beep-ed, indicating that I have a message. I looked and saw it was Felix.

Mr Hotty:
Missing you, babe. 🙁

"Can...I leave, please?" I asked. Jessica just shook her head and snatched my phone. I sighed and just sat there.

"There you are!" She suddenly exclaimed at someone behind me, causing me to turn. My eyes widened when I saw who it was.


First thing came in my mind!

And I tried to but Lilith and Jasmine held me down as I was sitting between them. Penelope looked at me, guilt lingering in her eyes and fear in mine.

"Come, let's sit." Jessica said and made Penelope sit with her, opposite to me.

"H-hey, Alexa." Penelope said, stuttering. I gulped and just looked around.

"Look doll, you don't need to afraid of her. She's here to help even though I told her not interfere with this shit, she still wants to talk to you. Penn, go ahead." Jessica said.

"Alexa, I'm really sorry for what happened few months ago. I swear, I was just doing what I was told. I didn't know the whole story. If I did, I would have refused. It was never my intention to hurt you." She said in a soft tone.

"O-okay." I whispered, nodding.

"I want to make it up to you for the mistake I did back then. I wish you would just forgive me." She sighed. " is behind the whole thing that happened to Felix."

Now, I was really attentive.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"My dad thinks that it's you and Felix that made Jackson's accident. He wants to take revenge, on both of you. His plan that night was to capture Felix and then call you at his warehouse where he would trap you too and then kill you both." She said. "But Felix somehow managed to escape and you both got saved."

"What does your dad do?" I asked.

"He...kills. He's the leader of underground drug and arms dealing gang, so called 'The Skulls'. I don't know much about it but maybe he is in trafficking too." She answered.

I placed my elbows on the table and held my head in frustration. I don't know what to do. How did we end up in this mess? What did we ever do to be in this situation?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

My mind is not working. I think I'm gonna go mad any second. I'm scared, I'm worried, I'm afraid, I'm nervous, I'm angry, and- fuck! I can't handle all these emotions!!

"Alexa? Are you okay?" Jessica's voice snapped me out of my daze. I didn't even realise I was crying at this point.

I wiped my tears, sniffing and sighed.

"I need to go home." I said in croaked voice, grabbing my things. Jessica handed me my phone back and Jasmine and Lilith let me leave. I was about to get out, when Penelope yelled out of me.

I turned and saw her coming to me.

"There's one more thing that you need to know." She said.


"Jackson is alive."

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