Salvation (2)

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We were back at the motel room where Sam was trying to explain what we saw.

John and Dean were sitting on the beds while I was sitting with Sam still trying to ease his headache.

"A vison?" John asked like he hardly believed it. I wanted to punch him so bad.

"Yes." I answered sharply towards John, then softened up when I spoke to Dean.

"I saw it too Dean."

I still held my fingertips on Sam's head as magic erupted from them and entered him.

"We saw the demon burning a woman on the ceiling." Sam explained like he was talking to a 7-year old.

"And you think it's gonna happen to this woman you met because?" John edged on.

"Because these things happen exactly the way I see them."

"It started out as nightmares and then he started having them while we has awake, Bean eases the pain." Dean explained.

I removed my hands from Sam.

"Better?" I softly whispered as he nodded.

"It's like, I don't know, the closer I get to anything involving the demon, the stronger the visions get." Sam observed.

"All right, and when were you gonna tell me about this?" John questioned as I looked at him dumbfounded. He really is a big fucking dead beat dad isn't he? Does he not realize he never answered his phone once until a few days ago?

"We didn't know what it meant." Dean shrugged from where he stood at the sink.

"All right, something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone, and you call me."

I tried to hold my tongue, but not when it sounded like he was blaming Dean.

"Call you, who the hell were he supposed to tell John, your fucking voicemail, you never answered your god damn phone." I spit out at him while gritting my teeth.

"Don't you talk to me like that young lady."

"Don't fucking act like I'm your daughter." I said getting up from my chair, ready to throw hands.

Dean grabbed my shoulders and lead me over to Sam knowing that I was fuming at this point.

"Babe, stop."

I listened to my older brother and stayed with Sammy who had a grip on me.

"Call you, I called you when we were in Lawrence dad, Sam called you when I was dying, I mean getting you on the phone, I've got a better chance of winning the lottery, or of babe being a witch, oh wait."

I snickered at Dean's last statement.

"You're right." John sighed.

"Yeah no shit." I whispered as Sam smirked at me.

"All though I'm not really crazy about this new tone of yours, you're right, I'm sorry."

Yeah you're not crazy about it because he finally isn't your little soldier anymore.

"Look guys, visions, or no visions the fact is the demon is coming tonight and this family is going to go through the same hell we went through." Sam noted. I got up from Sam's leg and walked over to Dean.

"No they're not, no one is, ever again." John declared.

The loud sound of a phone ringing started to fill our ears. Sam picked up his phone and answered it.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now