Scarecrow (2)

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I swiped decline on my phone for the 14th time. 7 from Dean, 6 from Sam. I didn't plan on calling them, or answering them anytime soon. Soon enough Zack pulled into a motel, I had no idea where we were, but honestly I didn't care. It was now day time and my tears had stopped flowing for now.

I hopped off the beautiful bike and handed Zack his helmet.

"Thank you for the ride."

"Of course, looked like you needed it."

I hummed in response and started walking over to the entrance of the motel. I turned to see Zack hanging the helmets off the handle bars. It really was a beautiful bike. I would have thought about stealing it if the guy didn't drive me 7 hours to god knows where. I opened the cheap motel door, hearing the bell ring, I walked over to the front desk to see an old man.

"Hi, one bed please." I stated asking the man for the cheapest motel room. Dean had all my credit cards, I basically just had cash.

"We only have one room left." He admitted gesturing to the guy behind me who had just walked in. I turned around to see very attractive boy Zack. I turned back towards the desk.

"We'll take it."

I grabbed my key and handed the other to Zack. We opened the door with a creak. I placed my only belongings now, my backpack, on the one bed and turned to Zack who was closing the door.

"I'll take the couch." I told him breaking the silence.

"What, no, I may pick up hitchhikers, but I'm a gentleman, I'll take the couch."

"Suit yourself."

I shuffled through my bag moving around my hunting knife to try and find new clothes that weren't Dean's. Of course I still had my gun in the back of my pants, yoga pants. I turned back to stare at Zack as he leaned on the back of the couch.

"You know you don't have to keep that gun with you the whole time, if I was going to hurt you, I would have already."

I stood there in shock, he saw my gun, I tried not to let the shock be present on my face.

"How do you know my plan wasn't to hurt you first?" I asked playing it cool.

"You would have already, and plus, I can take care of myself."

"I can too, probably better than you."

"Oh really?" He asked in a challenging way.


I wanted to blurt out, you can't beat a hunter, especially one with magic powers, but of course, I stayed silent.

"So Mr. Observer, you think you have me all figured out huh, news flash, you don't baby." I taunted him, he knew nothing.

"Well I know that those men back there, were probably your brothers, names, Sam and Dean, I'm pretty sure you can hold your own, I mean you do have that big ass hunting knife in your backpack, and you probably don't have an actual home or job, that 1967 Chevy Impala is probably your home."

Faster then he could blink, I pulled my gun out and aimed it between his eyes. He didn't even flinch. Nothing about him moved. His toned muscles and loose hair didn't move. Get back to the task Harley and stop gawking at pretty boy!

"Who the fuck are you?" I questioned british boy with my eyes squinted.

"Calm down baby, you are wearing a huge shirt, probably one of the men's and since there were two of them, probably weren't your boyfriends, so second best thing, brothers, their names, look at your hand sweetheart, two magnetic rings, Sam and Dean, now I can see the imprint of the big ass hunting knife in your backpack, any body who can fight with a knife, knows how to hold their own, now when I drove by I saw the taller man carrying his bags, looking in the trunk all you had was a few more duffels, probably the other man's bags, and you only had your backpack, so you don't have a home, or the three siblings ran away from mommy and daddy, was I right love?"

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now