Asylum (Final Part)

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Dean and I made it to the basement. It was all leaky and even darker. I had my magic out again because it was just us two.

"Sammy, Sam you down here?" Dean called out.


Suddenly I saw Sam in front of us, spooking Dean.

"Damn it, answer me when I'm calling you." He scolded.

"You all right Sam?" I asked a bit skeptical. This doesn't feel like Sam. Sam stands different.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You know it wasn't me who called your cell right?"

"Yeah I know, I think something lured me down here."

"I think I know who, Dr. Ellicott, that's what the spirits have been trying to tell us, you haven't seen him have you?" Dean questioned Sam.

"No, how do you guys know it was him."

"Because we found his logbook, apparently he was experimenting on his patients, awful stuff, makes lobotomies look like a couple of aspirin."

"But it was the patients who rioted."

"Yeah they were rioting against Dr. Ellicott, Dr. Feelgood was working on some sort of extreme-rage therapy, he thought if he could get his patients to vent their anger, then they'd be cured of it, instead it only made them worse and worse, and angrier and angrier." I informed Sam.

"So we're thinking, what if his spirit is doing the same thing, to the cop, the kids in the 70's, making them so angry, they become homicidal, come on, we got to find his bones and torch them." Dean said as we walked past 'Sam.'

I don't know, something just didn't feel right about him.

"How, the police never found his body."

"Well the logbook said he has some hidden procedure rooms down here, where he'd work on his patients, so if I was a patient, I'd drag his little ass down here and do a little work myself." Dean admitted.

Hell yeah I would too.

"I don't know, that sounds a little-" Sam started.

"What, crazy?" I asked.


"Yeah exactly."

Dean and I entered a room as Sam followed. My magic lit up the room as Dean searched.

"I told you I looked everywhere, I didn't find a hidden room." Sam added.

"Well, that's why they call it hidden, you hear that?"


I tuned in to try and listen to what Dean was searching for. Wind, it sounded like blowing wind, there was a door somewhere.

Dean crouched down and spoke.

"Theres a door right here."

Suddenly Sam picked up his shotgun and pointed it at Dean. I gripped Dean's jacket tightly in my hand making the fabric scrunch up.

"Dean." I warned. He looked up to see the gun. He got up from the crouched position and pushed me behind him slowly.

"Sam, put down the gun."

"Is that an order?"

"Nah, it's more of a friendly request."

"Cause I'm getting pretty tired of taking your orders."

Sam lifted the gun up and aimed at Dean's head. I quickly stepped in front of Dean, which I know he didn't like, because I felt him scrunch my leather jacket in his hand, but I didn't care.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now