Hook Man (2)

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We followed the cops to a sorority house where Lori sat in an ambulance. Officers covered the place.

The boys dropped me off in the front of the house. While they were going to sneak around the back and get into a window, I had to distract anybody from seeing them. I ran up to the officer that was nearest to the back where my boys were sneaking in. I turned him around so that he was facing me and I was facing the back. Then I launched myself onto him and made tears pour from my eyes.

"She was my best friend, you better find who did this and you better bring him to me!"

He hugged me back awkwardly.

"Ma'am, can you please-"

"I can't believe she is dead, this is not fair, what if the guy is still in there, have you checked?!"

"Ma'am, I assure you no one is in that house."

I looked up to see Sam opening a window and Dean gesturing for me to follow him up on the ledge.

I was still hugging the officer and slowly pushing him back away from everybody. I lifted my hand and shot a magic ball into the bushes making them rustle violently.

"Oh my god, what was that?" I gasped, letting go of the officer.

"I'm sure it wa-"

"Please, please, please go look, I'm scared, what if it's the guy that killed her, what if it's the guy that killed my bestfriend?"

He took a deep sigh and turned towards the bush. This was my chance. I saw Dean lying on the ledge with his hand extended for me to grab. I bolted to the wall, ran up half of it and grabbed Dean's hand. He pulled me up the rest of the way.

"Nice job Babe." He praised.

"What did I miss?" I asked as Dean launched himself through the window hitting Sam.

"Try to be quiet would you?" Sam bit out at Dean.

"Me be quiet, you be quiet."

I laughed at the boys and slid through the window with grace, landing on my feet with almost no sound. Dean shut the window after me as Sam peeked around the right corner. He slowly opened the closet door with a creak as the officer started down the steps.

We entered the bedroom to see the sheets soaked with blood and carving in the wall next to the bed.

" 'Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light', that's right out of the legend." I observed.

"Yeah that's classic Hook Man all right, it's definitely a spirit." Dean said tapping his nose.

"Yeah, I've never smelled ozone this strong before." Sam noted.

Dean peaked out the blinds as Sam called him back. I was examining the words on the wall.

"Does that look familiar to you guys?" He asked pointing to the symbol carved under the words.

We made it out of the house and back to where the boys parked the Impala. Sam held out a printed paper of the hook as we sat on the hood.

"It's the same symbol, seems like it is the spirit of Jacob Karns." Sam announced.

"Let's find the dudes grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down." I concluded.

"After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in old North Cemetery in an unmarked grave." Sam read.

"Super." Dean sarcastically remarked as we walked to the doors of the Impala.

"Okay, so, we know it's Jacob Karns, but we still don't know where he'll manifest next, or why." Sam said going over what we knew.

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