Bonus stories

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-Anna's life before wicked-

I sit in my bed waiting for my father to come into my bedroom to read me a story. I hug my pillow with my hair in two braids and a onesie on I was having a hard time keeping still.

"Daddy!" I squeal as he walks in holding a hardcover book in his hands.

"Do you want to hear Cinderella or Snow White tonight?" He asks and I plead for Snow White. I listen intently as he reads. The seven draws sound so cute and my favourite is sleepy.

When he finishes I lay on my back and look up to the ceiling "I hope to fall in love one day" I sigh.

Suddenly my father stands up and walks out of the room holding his head as if he was trying to crush it. I sit up in my bed confused so as any child would do I followed him to the bathroom where he turned to me with the oddest look in his eyes.

"Anna? Why don't you ever leave me alone! You little..." I ran away tears in my eyes. All the way to my room and grabbed a bag from the closet and started stuffing it with my things.

"Yeah! Did you hear me? You killed your mother! You should be the one.." He yelled as I ran past the bathroom again and down the stairs and out the front door.

I had no idea at the time what was going on until a car pulled up and a man grabbed me. I screamed but he crouched down to my height. It was a police man.

"It's okay, your father a little sick and that was the sickness talking not him. We are going to take you somewhere while he gets better. Okay?" The man asks and I nod. A few men go into the house but I don't get to see them come back out. I already was on my way to what I would later find out as to be known as wicked.

-if Anna went into the glade-

I awaken to be surrounded by boys, many of them. My head feels as if someone was repeatedly smacking it.

"I thought she was the last one?" Murmurs arouse around me as I still feel clueless as to where I was.

"Slim it!" I boy with bland hair and brown eyes cuts threw the crowds being followed by a larger boy with dark skin and eyes that just kept his mouth shut but did give warning stares and everyone he looked at shut their mouths.

When it was dead silent the blond boy held out his hand and I took it, inmedialty feeling lightheaded but ignoring the pain. "Tommy! Teresa! Come with me" he yells and another girl with black hair and blue eyes along with a boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes scramble to catch up with us.

"Names newt" he says... Odd the name sounds familiar.

"Everyone else get back to work!" The other older boy yells and everyone scrambles off in different directions clearly with things to do.

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