Maze coma

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I slowly turn in a circle looking at this maze. "This is maze 1, group a will be here in a few years" mrs Paige says and walks off leaving us to explore.

"Come on" Teresa says pulling us to a forest. We go in and climb the tree to get a better look of this place, Thomas and Aris are in the animal pit where a few animals have already been living for a while.

"I want to see the animals" I tell Teresa, we jump down and run. There are only some pigs, cows and a few chickens.

One animals becomes my favourite quickly and that is the smallest pig, it has a mark of a heart on its ear and seems to favour me also.

"Let's go visit the garden" Teresa says and she literally drags me across until we reach a garden pretty much with no plants yet except a few plants with blooming flowers. She looks at them for a while with a smile.

The last place was like a house, it had bedrooms along with a couple extra rooms. We race inside to find the beds incredibly comfy.

We lay in them until we hear our names called. We race out and we all jump back into the elevator and descend.

As soon as we get back to the main room I bolt out and race to my room where I quickly change back into my sweats and sweater.

I bolt down the hallway again and run right into Teresa, Aris and Thomas knocking them all over. "Sorry" I mutter and once agin bolt like a rocket down the halls until I reach the book case. I crawl in and just like I suspected newt was sitting there with his nose in a book.

"Hey" I say crawling up to him. "Hey, I missed ya" he smiles at me. I pull up a blanket deciding to sleep here for the night and easy my head on his shoulder.

"Anna!" I hear in my head. "What" I respond. "It's Teresa and Thomas! Come quick!" I figure it's Aris.

I snap up startling newt, "sorry ill be right back!" I say already lit the small tunnel. I race down the hall an I see Aris pacing between the two rooms.

"What happend!" I almost yell. "They both all of a sudden fell and hit they heads at the same time and aren't responsive" he says biting his nails. I rush and cheak their pulse, both are slower than they should be.

"What's going in here?" Mrs Paige says looking at Aris and I with anger. "Teresa and Thomas fell and hit their heads, they art responsive" I say quickly. She takes out a work pad and types something's in and seconds later some men run down the halls and take them out without making a sound.

Aris and I rush after them and they are surrounded by doctors. We wait with mrs Paige for results.

Minuets later Thomas wakes up by snapping up into a sitting position gasping for air. Teresa still isn't and is said to be in a coma now.

I sit beside her and hold her hand.. For a long, long, long time...


"Anna?" I hear Teresa raspy voice and I look up to see her eyes wide awake. "Your awake!" I hug her. "How long was I out?" She asks. "About a week".

The doctors rush over to her and Order her to sleep and if she could walk by tomorrow evening that she could leave but still need to be careful.

They found that the flowers Thomas and Teresa smelled in the maze actually caused them to pass out.

🔥Authors note-

Sorry for being such a bad chapter but I want to start on the halloween chapter soon and I want to do it really well. :D

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