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I awaken to some talking in the room. It sound like Teresa along with Thomas and Aris, WAIT BOYS!! Mrs Paige will kill us if boys where in our room!

I look upside down from my top bunk to see all three of them talking. " what are you guys doing here" I say whispering harshly.

" we want to help that newt kid" Teresa said happily. I climbed down the ladder and sat beside Teresa.

" first we must figure out why he seems so depressed" Teresa declares. " how" Aris asks. We soon agree all to become newts best friend to gain as much trust as possible, at the same time the Minho kid also.

" we better get back" Thomas says as he looks over at the clock. They both rush out and we start getting ready for the day. We wait for the alarm to signal breakfast and we run to the kitchen where there is yogurt with oats or cereal. Both Teresa and I pick the cereal and find Thomas, Aris, newt, Minho, Harriet and Sonya sitting at a table in the Conner of the room.

We all eat but once again newt plays with his food not once looking up. After we head to classes where we learn about things I couldn't possible care about.

It's pretty Boring the day, everyday it's get up, eat, lessons, eat, free time, eat then sleep and all over again.

This lasts for days... Weeks... Months and soon enough everyone is like zombies.

The ones who seem to be gaining newts trust is me, Thomas and Minho. Teresa and Aris are close runner ups but seems a little nervous around them.

" hey newt" I say as I plop down beside him. " hey" he mumbles. We both always are found in the reading corner with our noses in books.

It's odd, we both are too much alike. We are the same with everything except he is a little more timid and shy while I am open and outspoken but I do have my moments.

" whatcha readin" I say as I skim through the books on the shelf. "Somethin on world war 2" he mumbles not looking up. I pick a book also on world war 2.

We read for a while until for the first time ever he looks up. I notice and watch him from the corner of my eye and he thinks for a moment. " Anna?" He finally says. "Yeah?" I say curios what he is up to. " can you meet me tonight? In this corner, no one ever is out and is pretty easy" he says and I just nod and we go back into our books.

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