Last day part 2

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Soon we are all fallowing mrs Paige down the halls taking sharp turns here and there.
I hold newts hand but mrs Paige gives us a look when she sees but says nothing.
When the launch room is in view newt begins to shake. Terror still in newts eye.
I have to do this every month but somehow this feels so much more real. It's the day he is being taken from me.
We enter the room and they order him to change into his "maze clothes" as they put it.
He comes out and we are lead into another room, we wait here for about 5 minuets and we just hug. Newt also hugs Thomas, Aris and Teresa.
"Anna, Teresa, Thomas and Aris please report to the computers" a man stands in the doorway. "Okay, I'll be there in a minuet guys" I say and they all leave, it's just newt and me.
"I am going to miss you" I say. "I promise not to forget you" he says but I remove the hair from his eyes, "don't promis somthing that is impossible" I say.
Tears threaten to spill but I stay strong just for him. Then he leans in and kisses me.
We kiss for a few minuets antil I realize they are waiting for me in the control room. "I got to go" I say pulling away. "Bye... I guess I'll see you in a few years?" He says burring his lip. "I'll see you... Too" it pains me thinking this is the last time he will remember me.
I leave and run to the control room. "Where were you?" Teresa says but a grin grows on her face. I feel myself begging to blush and then I want to slap here when she begins to chant "newt and Anna sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g!" She begins but I stop her "Thomas and you.... Thomesa!" I yell mixing there names together.
Blush creeps onto her face. "Girls" mrs Paige warns. "Yes?" I say. "You all are to head to your positions?" She says and I race out of my room knowing that this time I am suppose to supervise the operation and make sure he gets into the elevator unharmed.
I stand along the wall as he comes into the room and is layed on the table. "Anna, can you pass us the Medicen" a lady asks and I do as told.
Newt begins to freak as soon as he sees the needle and I do something that probably would be disapproved by mrs Paige or even Jason who I hate.
I grab his hand and he inmeditaly relaxes. He smiles up at me as they inject the serum.
"See you later" he says as he closes his eyes. "See you later too" I say too late, he probably can't hear me anymore.
"Swipe ready?" Someone asks. "Yes" someone else says and I step back to watch newts memory being removed. A tear slips and Teresa gives me a hug.
A beep comes from the machine and it lifts off his head. He looks asleep but in reality he is struggling to remember anything, he is in a dream trans.
Two Garuda slowly carry him to the elevator that now looks worn out, the same one we rode just months ago.
The guards slowly put him down and I rush up to him. I gently kiss his forehead and walk back.
Teresa pushes the button and the doors close and I hear the clanging of the elevators beginning to ascend.
I walk back to the control room and look into the screen that shows new still in a trance.
Suddenly he wakes up breathing heavily, he clearly is struggling to comprehend what's going on.
My heart drops when he walks around with alby "I..I can't remember anything, all I remember is my name and... And a girl." He says.
"What about a girl?" Alby asks. "I don't know.,. I think we were you know... Boyfriend and girlfriend but I can't remember totally, I can remember her saying "see you later too" and that's all" newt says suddenly stopping.
"Don't tell anyone else that, okay" ably says and newt nods.
🔥Authors note- ugh sorry that the paragraphs are not spaces apart but it automatically dose that and I am too lazy to go back and add spaces. Anyways I am planning a bunch of other fan fics that I am doing with other people and myself so slower updates D:

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