The end

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I fallow newt one day hoping that we would be reunited. I was watching as the escaped wicked, I was watching when they were in the scorch, I was watching when they told newt that awful lie about him not being immune.

My heart broke that lie got to his head and convinced himself he was a crank.

I meant Alby, chuck, Winston, Zart, and many others that knew newt and I had seen on those screens back at wicked.

The only good thing was that Teresa could see me. I always was with her. She wanted to tell newt about me but I knew it would just confuse him and probably think she was nuts.

I stood there as newt yelled at Thomas in the bowling ally, "no newt! Go with him! It's just. Big bloody lie!" I scream And of course no one hears me.

When Thomas shot newt something broke inside of me, but then I remembered, he is now dead and we can see each other again! Of course him dieing was not a good thing.

I ran to him and hugged him.

"Anna?" He says dazed "wait. I remember!" He says and hugging me back.

"I missed you" i say burying my head into his shoulder.

"Why are you dead? You never came to the glade? Why?" He questions.

"Right after Teresa went up there was a attack, you got out of the glade a couple days later of course and before that another attack had happend" I say.

He becomes quite and then we kiss. I smile at him and then I notice people behind him, people who look very similar to him.

"Newt, I think you have more people that want to see you" I say gently and he turns.

I watch as he greets his family and then I hear another familiar voice, but this time it's a girl.

"Hey" I whip around to see Teresa.

"What are you doing here!?!" I say startled.

"I got pinned under a ceiling" she says quietly.

"Do you want to go see paradise?" I ask her and she looks up.

"Is that even a question?" She laughs.

Teresa, newt and I watch as Thomas, Minho and frypan grow old, have families, the only survivors of the maze that made it to paradise.

One thought goes through me mind every time one of them has a nightmare, cries or becomes depressed at the thought of any of us is that one day...

We will be reunited.

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