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It sit at a computer staring intensely at the screen. I am looking at the order that we are suppose to go up in. Newt is going in 4 months from now.

Thomas, Aris, Teresa and I go up last.
I lean back to see the screen which show the glade. We just sent up a second boy named George. Alby came up with calling the Center of the maze the glade and himself a glader.
I sigh then something comes up on the screen that I was working on.

"Update" it read. I slowly clicked it and a new list appeared with a note "we had to change the order judging on their physical state and some turned out to need some more training".

I first notice it was the same last 4 people in both groups. I would be going into group a lang with Thomas and Teresa while Aris and some girls that are being brought here in group B.

It took a lot of arguing to talk them into letting me go up with Teresa instead of going up after Aris. It was easier after they found 2 girls somewhere else that would be perfect subjects.

I looked Minho would go up in a year, originally suppose to go up in 2 months, but newt.... He goes up next...
I feel my heart drop. Less than one month! This can't be! Just then the buzzer rang signalling that we can leave and I race making a quick stop in my room to change into a pair of Jeggings and a sweater and out of the wicked uniform.

I bolt back on track to the room where free time is heald and crawl into the small space the newt is in. I forgot to ask if I could tell him. "Teresa, are you still in the lab?" I call out in my head. "Yeah" she respond. "Can you ask if I can tell newt when he is going up?" I say and I wait.

It takes a few minuets for a response "yeah, they are okay with it" she says. I crawl further and see newt looking at a her of paper. "What's that?" I ask. He was so concetraiteted on the paper that he didn't notice me.
"It's a letter" he says after he recovers from his spook.

"Dear all my associates,
Virus VC321xb47 has been real send in certain areas. We have out them out in different villages and all who did get injected are reported dead. Worries of mutation is started being reported as its slowly eating away at their brains instead of acting quickly like we intended. We must keep a close eye on this all"

I look at newt. He takes it out of my hands and flips it revealing more.

"Dear all my associates
We have found a young girl ( Deedee/ female/age 4) and is apperiantly immune. She was hit months ago and has no trace of "the flare". We have searched for more who are immune and have found 3 others in total. All age 4 to 5. (Amanda/female/ age 4) (Stephan/male/ age 5) (Alex/ male/age 4). We mustn't give up and must find more out there.

I loon up at newt. "Teresa, Thomas, Aris and I... That's our real names" I say. "I like the name Alyssa but Anna somehow fits you better" he smirks. I smile and he kisses me.

Then I remember what I came in here for. "Newt I have to tell you something" I say with caution. "What" he says noticing the sudden change of tone.

"I...I just found out your the next one to go into the maze...." I say. "His face quickly drains of colour. "Me?"he says and all I can do is nod.

"Knock knock" I hear from Teresa in my head. I quickly wipe away my tears and help newt wipe away his and I pull my had away just as Teresa and Thomas crawled in.

"How did you know they where coming in?" Newt asks. Shoot I haven't told him. "I heard them talking" I say.

"You told him?" Thomas says in my head. "Yeah, we'll partly, can you just hurry up" I say.

"What is that?" Teresa picks up the letter. We let her read it and then when she finishes both sides her face drains of colour and she quickly crawls out not saying a word.

Thomas then picks it up "shoot" he says and runs out after Teresa. "Why were you all just starring at each other with weird expressions?" Newt says. "I mouthed for him to get the bloody hell out" I say and we both laugh.

We decide to sleep in our rooms but before I crawl out of the space newt suddenly gives me a kiss on the lips. "What was that for?" I say. "We only have a few weeks left" he says and we walk hand in hand back to the rooms. When we round the corner we suddenly step back from seeing Thomas and Teresa.

"What the heck" I say and he slowly put his head around the corner. I do the same and they are hugging each other. Suddenly Thomas kisses Teresa's cheek gently and newt pops out from the corner "told you Anna we weren't the only lovebirds!" He yells and I feel blush begin to creep into my cheeks.

That night I smile thinking of newt and only if the flare never existed, if only.... But that would never happen.

🔥Authors note-

Sorry if you really hate thomesa but I just really wanted newt to yell that :P comment if you want thomesa or no. Also ideas are welcomed

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