Books and lies

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I look up from my paper, I am out of fresh ideas. Jump into put with a invisible flat trans, have ivy hanging off the walls. My only two ideas.

The rest have a couple also but in deep thought. "Ok pass them to me and you can go" mrs Paige claps at the end of the room.

I shoot up and run to her , I slip it into her hands not stopping to zip down the hall towards the room.

I crawl into the small room and newt is there "where were you?!?" He says putting down the book to look at me.

"Never tell anyone else that you are doing this, it will do you no good" mrs Paige's voice echoes through my head.

"I was um asking for some more books" I say hoping it will work. "Yeah, we have already read 95% of these" he says motions to the pile of book we have yet to read.

"Anyways, I won't be coming here tomorrow"I say, tomorrow we are visiting the maze and all the ideas we are coming up with are being programmed in as we speak. "Where?" He says scrunching up his forehead."um... I have to go and we are going for extra school practice, yeah! Uh I really have fallen behind" hopping he would buy it.

"Uh..okay" he says still confused. I sit beside him and he wraps he arm around me, I lay my head on his shoulder then he rests his chin of my head. He hold out the book and we read it in our minds, "Anna! Stop!" I hear Teresa's voice in my head.

"What!??!" I say alarmed at the sudden voice. "You where talking, I sounded like you where reading a book" she says and I realize I was. "Sorry" I say and I end up reading making sure it's not getting to anyone.

I end up drifting off until I hear Teresa in my head once again "Anna! You need to get up we are heading down in a few minuets!" She practically yells in my head and I jump up in surprise hitting newt in the head.

"Bloody hell!" He snaps awake too. "Sorry I got to go" I say and make my way out. I race to my room and Teresa is there, relief swipes across her face as I step into the room.

"Hurry get into your wicked uniform" and I race into the bathroom and put on my black skirt with a white shirt and a long doctor coat with the words wicked embroided in green on the breast pocket.

I step out pulling my hair into a pony tail. Mrs Paige just opens the door and I race to be beside Teresa. "Come on girls" she says and we fallow her into the hallway. We head to the boys room and they are a different story.

We walk in and they both are still fast asleep with the weirdest positions. It actually kind of funny and I have to hold back laughter. Mrs Paige pokes both of them with the tip of her pen and they snap. Aris falls in his face, luckily he is on the bottom bunk and only falls a few inches.

We wait for them outside and eventually step out with the same shirt and coat but with black dress pants instead of pants.

They explain. Some rules such as we can't go into the maze alone and no taking things or leavening things.

We walk up some stairs and crawl into a cramped elevator. We soon arrive inside a huge field with towering walls.

🔥Authors note-

Sorry about certain words that are misspelled but auto correct wont let them and after a couple hundred try's I give up. Anyways if you have any ideas then go ahead and comment :)

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