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-months later-

We just sent up Minho, I stare at the screen mainly looking at newt. He probably will never remember me.

I don't talk much anymore and they all say I am just in a bad mood. I truly feel depressed.

Today was the first time I went into the book room since newt went into the maze.

I crawled in and turned on the light. Nothing changed, this was the place where my last happy memory with newt was besides that room where we kissed.

My eyes scan the room and everything seems like it was but a small pice of paper caught my attention.

I don't remember it being there, I slowly make my way to the paper and unfold it. It had writing I would recognize anywhere. Newts.

To Anna,

You will probably find this long after I am in the maze, I am writing this as your asleep on my shoulder.
Being this with you when you come up in a couple years. Maybe it will bring back some memories. I remember the time that Minho face palmed into his breakfast, the time all those new books came, the time we splashed Minho face with water to wake him up, the times I embarrassed you, but one of my favourite was when we first met, you seemed really trustful but I thought It would be really dum to even think you would listen. Then when you started to show friend ship I knew we were going to e best friends and then when we first kissed I knew that you accepted me for who I was. I can't inmagine forgetting you and I think you where the one who kept me together. I should stop thinking such depressing thought now and I just wanted to say ask
Teresa about the present and show her the letter. It's something to remember and bring into the glade with you, my mother gave me two and I have one.

Love newt

My eyes scan the paper and I feel tears begin to fall down my cheeks as I continue.

I quickly wipe the tears away and crawl back out. Where would Teresa be?

Control room? No its late in the day and she hates it as much as I do.

Tv room? No the tv would be turned off by now.

I run to our room for clues and there is no sign of her. I run out of my room and down the hall. I skid to a stop in front of Thomas and Aris's room.

I knock and Aris opens the door, I see Teresa and Thomas inside looking at somthing.

"Teresa!" I say and she looks up, she is on a workpad and seems to be doing some research.


"I found the letter! Where is it?" I almost sound like a 5 year old.

"What letter... Oh.... Thomas ill be right back" she says and walks to me and I fallow her to our room.

She pulls out a box from under the bed and opens it, she steps away motioning for me to look.
I walk closer and find a small neaklace inside.

It has a silver heart, i rubbed my thumb across to feel its surface. Teresa stepped closer to me.

"Open it" she says he gently.

"How?" I say not understanding how a necklace could open.

She showed me a latch on the side and it swung open to revel a picture of newt and I.

"When was this taken?" I ask looking up to Teresa. "I don't know"

Teresa helps me latch it onto my neck and right then I make a promise to myself.

Under no circumstance will I ever take this off.

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