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I crawl into the small space and see newt asleep. It's quite funny since he has his mouth wide open and is drooling.

"Newt" I shake his arm but he doesn't respond. "Newt!" I kick him with my boot and he snaps awake. "Wha what!" He says looking around.

"You feel asleep" I say trying to sound annoyed. "We'll you where not here for weeks" he says rubbing his arm where I kicked him.

We begin to read when all of a sudden a voice booms in the room "all of you must fallow me!" Someone yells and I immediately crawl out. "We need to test you all on your physical strength" he yells "fallow me" he says and we do. We enter a very large gym and orders to sit on some mats. "Teresa, Thomas, Aris and Anna please come with me" he says and we do as he says.

We are in the meeting room next and we see the maze on some screens. "We made 2 mazes, identical for now but one is for girls and one for boys. We would like your input on these mazes and some of our technicians will show you how to add things" mrs Paige says and we all sit at a computer.

A girl named Emily comes next to me and show me how to enter codes and order things.

I look out a window to see everyone who I in the gym is going through a obstacle course. I laugh when I see Minho and a screen fallows him. He falls into the mud face first. I Ed up laughing then everyone else looks up and begins to laugh along.

I pay attention when newt is up and he goes through in record time. But the best was a boy named Alby.

I add some more chickens and cows and my work is done. I head to the rooms and pass out on my bed barley making it up the ladder.

- 3 years later-

We all stand Aron's Alby and Alyssa who are to be sent up first. This is where we say goodbye to them, we'll where everyone else says their goodbyes. The four of us have to fallow him as he gets the swipe and then watch them as they go into the maze.

"Okay, it's time" a lady motions for us to fallow and we do. Alby and Alyssa lay on a metal table and we are deprecated by some glass.

I watch as a doctor injects some medicine into their arms and then a machine comes over both their heads and goes into there implanting the swipe.

It's done in minuets and we fallow to we're elevators are open and ready filled with some equipment.

Both the doors close also closing their past and I hear the clattering as it goes up. Funny to think just years ago we went up there. We haven't since that one time mainly because we didn't want any footprints even and maybe partly who knows what else we could get into.

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