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That night I dream, I dream of my parents or what I can remember of them.

" Anna wake up!" I hear in my dream, " no mom it's the weekend" I say then I snap awake.

" why did you slap me!" I yell and Teresa is standing there. "Because newt is screaming his head off and asking for you and we can't get him to wake up!" She yells and yanks me off the bed.

" ow, ow ,ow let go of my arm!" I yell and Teresa dose. We walk to newts room and Minho is standing outside " I can't take one more minuet of this" he muffles.

I walk in and newt is thrashing around on the bed, cheeks covered in dried tears yelling "no! Get away from me! Anna! Where are you Anna!" Over and over.

I take a deep breath and I walk over, I sit beside him " newt, wake up, it's just a dream" I say gently and I take his hand. " Anna! I can't see you! Where are you!" He screams.

My heart drops to even try and think of what he is dreaming of, I lean in and kiss his cheek. He snaps awake and his me.

" Anna! Your alright" he whispers " I am fine but what happened in your dream!" I say. He sighs " we all where in a dark room, and I heard your scream but couldn't find you, I started to feel blood falling like rain and then I feel into a pile of bodies" he cries and I hug him.

Minho walks in but as soon as he sees us he slowly walks out and I hear some mumbles outside then I see Teresa's and Minho's head peeking in.

We sit there for a long time until I yawn. " You should get back to bed, sorry for keeping you awake" newt sniffles and I get up. Minho walks in just as I walk out and Teresa and I walk together back to our room.

I climb into bed " do you love each other?" Teresa asks suddenly. I pretend to be asleep. " I know your awake Anna" she says and she climbs up to my bed.

I sighs and roll over. " Anna tell me now!" She persists. " yes we love each" I mumble into my pillow. " knew it" Teresa says as she climbs down the ladder.

" good night" I say," I can't believe your in lovee" Teresa says and then giggles "shut up" I say and I hear not another word from her.

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