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After we eat dinner I fallow Teresa to the bed room and lay on the top bunk. I don't dare let myself drift off to sleep and right when the clock hits 1:45 do I get up carefully.

I open the door and I see the hallway is clear and I run to the room where we agreed to meet. I open the door making sure it doesn't squeak and I close it without a noise too. I make my way across the room into the book section and crawl behind the shelf.

" hey newt" I say as I come up behind him. " woah! You bloody scared me" he said as he adjusted himself to look at me. "Sorry, what did you need to talk to me about?" I say. " your the only one I trust here along with Minho but Minho isn't much of a listener or a secret keeper" he sighs before he continues " I..I um kinda like you I guess" he said. That took me off guard a little too much. We are only what 8 and he has a crush on me?!?

" sorry for disturbing you" he says embarrassed and got up. " wait no!" I say and grab his arm. " I guess I like you too" I say and that makes him blush, even in the dark I can feel him turn bright red. " he sits back Down and sighs. " I also wanted to tell you, because your the one I trust the most I just wanted to ask, how do you let your past go I guess" he says with sadness filling his voice. " I don't know, I just try to forget and make happier ones to replace them" I say.

He stands up and I do the same before he leaves he kisses my cheek and walks out. I stand there, normally I would gag or think kissing is gross but this time I only though how sweet that was if him.

I lay in bed for quite a while before drifting off thinking of that last sentence. I know he was talking about his parents, I never got to get many memories with my parents since I was take. At age 4 and don't remember much.

I switch thoughts to newt, I do like him and I know I do have feelins for him.

That night I dream, of a place where there was no danger, no wicked, and it was somewhere I though of one word to describe... Paradise.

🔥Authors note~

Sorry but I am not the best at love and honestly have no experience at crushes ( never had one lol). I really am into this fan fic so probably will be my main focus.

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