Under of My Control

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Zierra's POV

As we walked back to the resort, I decided to rest first for a while.

"Can I leave you for a while? I'm a little tired because we walked too long at the beach earlier. I'll just need some rest." I said to Nancy, Yhoomie and Hanna.

"All right, Ma'am Zierra, we'll just wake you up later when everyone is here." Nancy replied while everyone agreed to it.

As I walk away from them I still don't lose the anxiety and fear I felt. Ever since we came here to Boracay, I felt like something bad is going to happen. I just ignored the negative things that went through my mind and chose to take a rest from it. Maybe I was just tired from our trip earlier so now I became like this.

I entered the room given by the owner of the resort and decided to relax. I started to lie down on the bed and closed my eyes until I fell asleep.





I opened my eyes and saw the surroundings were very dark and at the same time a familiar voice I heard laughing of a woman once again. Her voice gave me a ghost bump and based on her voice it belongs to a similar person that I always heard in my mind.

I felt so scared because it was really unpleasant to hear her demonic voice. I looked around for her, but I couldn't see anything or anyone else because it was so dark, but I still keep hearing that scary laughter.

"Who are you? Show up yourself!" I shouted at her trying to fight my fear. When I finished saying those words and suddenly the surroundings lit up. The surroundings had changed with a very bright surroundings, and I can say I am inside of a strange empty world. Later I heard the sound of a snake so I suddenly became alert and searched for where that sound came from.

I looked at my feet and saw countless snakes approaching me, but those snakes were strange because they had four legs. I was stunned in my position because I was already surrounded by then and I had nowhere to run to escape from those snakes.

My whole body was shaking with fear and didn't know what to do next. Because of great fear, I did not realize that I was in tears and I suddenly shouted very loudly unintentionally. After I shouted, the snakes suddenly stopped approaching me and at the same time the snakes left me. As those snakes move away, they are moving on a single path and my eyes followed them. I noticed that they had gathered not far from where I was standing as if they were forming another creature. Eventually, those countless snakes became a woman and she was looking at me with full of authority and power.

The woman is so beautiful and I can say that there is nothing that could be compared to her and anyone who sees her will be obsessed with her beauty. Her hair is long, she has an angelic face and her body is shapely perfect.

As we stared at each other, it approached me until were only half a meter of the distance between us. At first I was obsessed with her beauty, but it had changed when she smiled at me with a demonic smile. I saw in her smile that it had fangs and her eyes turned red. I recoil in fear and shock at the sudden change in its aura and in the strength of the presence she brings. It was an unpleasant aura from her because it is shrouded in intense evil, anger and revenge.

"W-who are you?" I stammered as I asked a question to her, but she didn't answer right away and she touched my face before she spoke.

"My name is Lilith and I am You." she seriously answered, and as she had said this, five women appeared around Lilith and me, whose faces almost resembled to LiLith.

"What do you mean and w-who are they?" I asked Lilith confusedly.

"We are You." they all answered me at the same time as our environment changed again and a different type of a mirror appeared in my surroundings, start from the old version to the latest version of a mirror that can be seen all over the history of the world floating in the air. As I stared into the mirrors I saw my reflection and I was horrified by what I saw because I noticed we all looked alike and my face was very similar to Lilith's face. I suddenly looked at them because there were so many questions that formed in my mind. I could not speak because I did not know what to say or ask based on what I had witnessed.

I was even more surprised when I saw in the mirrors the ancient events from the first man and woman created by God up until the present events of humanity. What I saw was full of obscenity and inhumane events and I can say that Lilith and I were the cause of those evil deeds. I just burst into tears at what I saw and was depressed by the unpleasant things I did.

"What do you think Zierra? It's fun to watch that the world is full of evil things because of us, right?." Lilith asked me with a laugh in her demonic voice.

"Why is this happening to me, it's just a dream isn't it?" I cried as I asked Lilith who responded again with an uplifting furry laugh.

"You're not dreaming Zierra because of these moments you are wide awake." Lilith replied at the same time the darkening again of my surroundings and the sudden disappearance of Lilith in front of me. Even though I lost sight of Lilith I could still hear her demonic laughter in the dark surroundings that was giving me a terrifying feeling.

Eventually a large mirror appeared floating in front of me and I could see inside the mirror the events my friends were doing now outside.

"Zierra, it's good that you're awake, it's just an exact timing that you used to be here, everyone is here and we have a new accompany here. Let me introduce you Dixane, my future girlfriend." I heard Zhayshin say as he looked at them all in the mirror.

"Zhayshin, w-what's going on?" I asked him with confused by what was happening to me right now, but he couldn't hear what i had said.

"Enjoy your watching Zierra, let me show you who you are and who you have become. For now, your body is under my control. Let me handle everything for you once again." I heard Lilith said it that I could hear in the dark surroundings at the same time she laughed out loud.

"No! It can't be happening! Stop it Lilith, don't involve them for this! Let me out of this place! I'm begging you." I shouted at Lilith at the same time as I repeatedly slapped my hand on the large mirror but it was very strong and very impossible to break.

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