Welcome to Hell

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Third Person's POV

Everyone gathered in large meeting room, including the other doctors, Khara, Mio, and Mio's father. This gathering is to discuss about the operation perform with Dr. Frank. Since it was a rare operation and everyone doesn't have any idea about the operation that he perform, specially for Mio who was now making her face very red because of her angry towards Dr. Frank who was now standing in front of her at the small stage.

Dr. Frank ponytailed his hair to have a clear vision for everyone seating in front of him. Khara started to look at Dr. Frank as if she had found a gold treasure in an unexpected place. Mio on the other hand started to drop her jaw seeing a handsome doctor in front of her. Her great anger to Dr. Frank was replaced by a great shock. She now feels sorry about what she did to Dr. Frank earlier giving him a kick in his balls to make Dr. Frank past out in instants.

Dr. Frank was now in a good condition after resting for a few hours. Because of the operation, it had drained his energy by doing the most complex operation that he did and also the kick that he received from Mio that made his past out in an instant that he was not able to dodge it right away because of lack of strength that remains in his body.

Dr. Frank was now looking at Mio, he notice that she was showing great interest in him at the same time a little uncomfortable looking at him. Frank knows exactly what was the reason why she was acting like that and it was part of his plan showing his face to Mio to make the girl regrets what she did to him. After saving her life and she only just paid him a kick on his balls, but additionally for showing his face is to make everyone to listen to him carefully of about he will discuss, specially Mio.

Frank started to discuss about the operation and he explained that it was the cause of "Lucid dream." Lucid dream is a kind of a dream that the dreamer was aware that he/she was dreaming or being conscious inside of a dream.

The meeting room started to become a market place because of the murmuring of the doctors, discussing everything that they heard from Dr. Frank. Everyone couldn't understand what was he really mean and it is hard for them to connect that a Lucid dream could possibly become a great threat of life since the lucid dream is only just common to be happening to everyone as long as if it is not a nightmare.

"To fully understand everything, let as hear the story of the patient. If she remembered about her dreams during she was sleeping, maybe we could gather more information about her situation." Dr. Frank announced, pointing his hand to Mio at the same time everyone looking at her silently waiting for her voice to speak.

After hearing the word of Dr. Frank, Mio's mind started to function rapidly as light and all of the happening about her dreams started to flashbacks in here mind.


"Hello Miss beautiful welcome to Hell!" A frightening voice coming from a red face of a demonic creature in front of her licking her face with his long and a snakelike tongue. Mio saw his physical appearance as if it was the ugliest creature she ever saw.

"Monster!" Mio started to panic and she tried to move here body to escape in front of the scary demon, but she can't move and realize that her both hands and feet was chained while her body was facing the wide ocean of fire while seeing it from the height of a dark big cave.

Mio once again tried to look at the demon looking at his emotionless reaction. This demon was like waiting for something and he can't wait to make it happen.

"D-don't you tell me, you are L-Lucifer?" Mio asked with slightly hesitant, but out of curiosity she let it out on what's on her thought. Then, Lucifer gave her evil smile that made Mio even scared of him, but she tried her best not to scream nor showing that she was afraid of the demon because she thought it was the wrong way to do in front of a scary demon, but out of her surprise the demon talked back to her.

"Yes, it's me, some of your species called me, Satan, the Devil, which is more I love to hear." He introduced while stating it so proud. "By the way, if you want, I would like to tour you inside my castle. Just tell me if you want me to set you free from those chains." He added while spreading out his lips showing his large fangs to Mio.

Mio felt a little awkward that a Demon King started talking to her naturally and she doesn't know how to response to the attitude of the Devil talking to her. On the other hand, Mio thought that this Devil was trying to tempt her in order to make her fall on the wide lake of fire, but before Mio could respond to what he said, the Devil cut her thought and spoke again.

"Oh, don't worry about those chains, I have nothing to do with that unless if you want me to free you from those chains." Lucifer said while letting out an evil laugh echoing to their surroundings.

Mio was shock from what she heard from the Devil because of those words she determine that Lucifer can read here thought without saying something. But at the same time the power of the divine will increase, trying to fight her fear against the Devil in front of her floating as if it was natural to him.

Lucifer noticed that the chain was being fed by a Divine will hidden inside of Mio. He was a little upset seeing those chain gathering in strength, but Mio doesn't know about it and Lucifer isn't worrying about it, because it has been just a tiny problem for him, even though he was not allowed to touch those chains to break it, unless Mio started to accept death or falling to his temptations.

Suddenly, Lucifer came up with a horrible plan to make those chains break free and Mio would stop feeding those chains with her divine well while Mio remain silence not knowing what to do on how to escape hell.

"It looks like you won't allow me to tour you around my castle, how about we do have some fun while we were waiting for your chain to break free? And I tell you that there's a lot more fun here in hell." He said with excitement while smiling at Mio, can't wait for her response.

Mio was confused about what the Devil said, since she was not well informed that you can have fun even at the hell, but Mio was smart enough to understand that it was part of another temptation of Lucifer. Out of her confusion Mio response, but she was very careful in choosing her words.

"As long as it cannot harm me, why not showing it to me first." Mio responded while forcing herself to smile with the Devil trying to go with the flow of his plan.

Lucifer showed a lot of excitement in his eyes, which his fangs going brighter in front of Mio's face. Without wasting his time, Lucifer pointed his hand to the wide lake of fire as if he was grabbing for something. In an instant a human creature appeared flying toward Lucifer at a high speed that unable to Mio to recognize who was that person came from the lake of fire. In no time, the human creature reached out her face in the hand of Lucifer, which base on its physical appearance it was a naked woman. Lucifer grabbed the face of the creature as if he was going to break the face of that person.

As the surprised of Mio, suddenly the unknown person spoke to Lucifer with unexpected the words she let out. "T-thank you Lucifer for letting me out of that lake. Please don't send me again in that place." She said with a teary eyes, begging for her life away from suffering.

"Don't worry my little peasant at this moment we were going to have some fun." Lucifer's replied with a lustful tone of his voice while licking the nipple of the woman's breast while looking at Mio lustfully.


[Hi everyone, thank you for reader my work even though it was not good compared to the other story, but please help me to support my work, especially to my readers. Please make a review of my story, at least have a 30 review as long as possible. Your comment about my story is the most valuable for me as of now and I have a hard time how to improve it so I do really need a little hand of yours to review my work. That's all and enjoy reading. :) ]

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