The day it all began

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Edward's POV

How did this happen? One minute we were opening our gifts and the next these guys came and took us away, asking questions about our father.

One hour earlier

The Rockbells came over for me and Vans birthday but granny Pinako couldn't make because she wasn't feeling good but sent a card. Me and Cassidy were at the table in front of the cake while the others sang to us, after awhile Cassidy sang along with them in the most beautiful voice ever. "Happy birthday to you." After she realized that we were staring she blushed in embarrassment.

Mom and Sarah: "Awe!"

Cassidy: "What?"

Yuriy: "don't be embarrassed Cassidy, you have an amazing voice."

Cassidy: "No, I don't."

Me: "Yeah you do sis."

Alphonse: "Yeah sister, it's gorgeous. You could be an opera singing."

Winry: "Yeah, Cas."

Cassidy blush's and says. "Thank you, come on Ed let's blow out the candles."

We took a deep breathe together and blew them out making our wish. They all clapped and mom asked. "What did you wish for Ed, Cassidy?" We looked at her with a smile and I said. "I wished to be taller then Winry." Everyone laughed at that and Winry said. "Then you better start drinking milk Ed." "NO WAY!!" They all laughed harder, I joined later on and then we looked at Cassidy for her answer and she said with a smile. "I wished to find my Prince Charming." We all looked at in shock and I said after a minute. "That's a weird wish."

She suddenly smacked my head and says. "Yours is weirder." "Is not!" She giggled and said. "We both have weird wishes." We all laughed and mom said. "Okay everyone time to open the gifts." "Yeah!" We all ran to the gifts and opened them. From Al, I got a history book of knifes. "Awesome, thank you Al!" He smiled at me and said. "Your welcome brother." The next one was from Cassidy, it was a vintage knife Holder. "Sweet! Thanks sis!" She gave me a closed eyes smile and nodded. The next one was from Winry, it was a picture book of knifes from along time ago. "Cool, thank's Winry." I said with a blush, she blushed too and mumbled. "Your welcome." Now this one was from all of the adults, it was a brand new knife.

We looked at them in shock and confusion. They smiled at us and mom said. "We knew you wanted a knife so we saved up some money and bought the knife you've been looking at the store window for awhile when we go to town." I smiled at mom and into her arms and said. "Thank you mom, thank you Mr. and Mrs. Rockbell!" "Your welcome Ed."

We separated and it was Cassidys turn to open her presents. The one from Al was a book of Romeo and Juliet. She loved reading it from school, I didn't like how they died at the end but she thought it was romantic. The one from Winry was two red Ribbons to put in her hair, she had two little braids and the ribbons on each side. "Thank you Winry." "Your welcome, I knew you hated how your hair gets in your eyes so I thought about giving you some ribbons to hold your hair in place."

The one from me was a book of songs from along time ago. Everyone was shocked by my gift so I said. "I just thought that since she had such a beautiful voice that she could sing to us sometime." I blushed in embarrassment when Cassidy hugged me and said. "Thank you Ed." I hugged her back with a smile when we separated she placed the book down and opened the Rockbells present which was a some instruments, there was a tambourine, a shaker, a drum and a guitar.

Me: "Hey, I can play the guitar."

Alphonse: "I can play the drums."

Winry: "And I can play the tambourine and the shaker."

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