Their first train heist

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Alphonse's POV

I was currently leaning against a wagon with a sign on top of it. I was waiting for something to come up, then I heard a whistle. I looked up and saw the train coming.

I grinned and did the signal, which was a bird call. I got the signal back and looked back at the train. This was gonna be fun.

No ones POV

The conductor sees the sigh where Alphonse was and starts reading it. "'Stop the train, explosives ahead.'" They past the sign and then see another sign with Winry sitting on the wagon and it said. "'Hurry up, your almost there.'" Up next was sigh with Edward leaning against it and it said. "'Too late.'" He looks up ahead and sees a ton of TNT in front of them with Cassidy sitting in the middle of them.

The conductor and the other one screamed in terror. The grabbed the breaks and pulled it down. The wheels screeched before coming to a complete stop but before they could sigh in relief. Edward pops up with Alphonse behind him with their guns pointed at them.

Edward: Howdy Fellas. I hear that you have some money in this here train. If you could be so kind as to lead us there that would be great.

They looked at him confused before looking at the TNT to see Cassidy moving them to reveal that they were empty with a hole in the bottom. The conductors groaned is despair that they have been duped. They lead them to the money car and they load up the wagons with the money. Edward looks at the conductors and said.

Edward: Thank you fellas for your cooperation. I do hope that the military doesn't do anything to you, just tell them that Fullmetal team threatened to blow you up. Let's ride!

They cheered and ran off with the money in hand as the conductors watch them. The old conductor looks at his friend and asked.

Old conductor: You have any idea of what just happened?

Other conductor: I have no idea of what that even was.

After a while the military came and investigated the train. The money and bullets were gone as well as some guns. Colonel Mustang was looking at the place of where the money was as to see a note with a cross on it with a snake wrapped around it with a crown and a pair of wings on top of it. He grabs the note and walks out of the room, handing the note to Hughes. He looks at then back at Mustang and asked.

Hughes: You thinks it's them?

Roy: I do. The description matches those of the Elric's and Rockbell girl, it's them alright.

Hughes: Their calling themselves the Fullmetal Team. Wonder what that's about.

Roy: Not sure but I'm sure it means something. What I'm curious about is this symbol?

Roy looks at the note and asked.

Roy: What does it mean? Is it a way for people to know that it's them.

Hughes: I guess so. I remember some people talking about a Fullmetal team that helped them get their money back. I didn't think they were serious but apparently they were.

Roy: Well whatever the case may be, this is their first train heist and we need to put a stop to them before they get found by the military.

Hughes: Your actually supporting this Roy?

Hughes says gesturing the train and the wagon with fake explosives on it. Roy looked at him and said.

Roy: Yes. We've know for too long that the military was corrupted and we couldn't do anything about it. This is the perfect opportunity for them to heal from the Tucker case and it could help me become Führer faster by proving that the Führer is responsible for allot of things and that includes the war of Ishval.

Hughes then grinned at him and nodded. After the war of Ishval the four of them have been trying to get dirt on the military about it causing the war and for Roy to be führer to lock up those who were in the war including themselves. They considered themselves war criminals for aiding in the war and they wanted to be locked up for what they've caused, the deaths of innocent Ishvalans that were just protecting themselves. They had blood on their hands but the one who was the most guilty was Roy since he's considered a hero of Ishval for protecting his unit but he doesn't feel that way. He felt like a monster that doesn't deserve to be happy or to feel love.

But all that changed when Cassidy Elric came along and brought happiness back into his heart and made him feel love. He had done the same for her. Instead of feeling like dirty and unclean forever, she now feels clean and in control of her life. They know they won't be the same again but doing will make them feel worthy of living.

Roy: 'I promise Cassy, I'll find you before the military does and tell you the truth. I swear on my life.'

Cassidy's POV

We were riding trough a town and threw the money into the air as the town folk came out and grabbed them all before the military came to collect them.

When we were done we were riding we got on a train to our next destination. I was sitting on the ground cleaning our guns with Winry who was making more arrows while Alphonse was laying on a stack of hay while Edward was leaning against the wall near the door of the cart looking at the scenery. That was our first train heist and it was fun, it felt nice to give back the money to the people and that's what we were gonna keep doing. Give back to the people.

I look at Ed as he smiled at the scenery, he looked at peace. It had been awhile since I saw that look on his face, peace. The only time I saw that was when mom was alive and we were happy. It felt nice, to see him smiling again. It felt natural to see him smile like this.

I look at the gun in my hand and stared at it. While we were there we got some bigger guns and more bullets, as I stared at the gun I knew we had to use them soon to defend ourselves but I was honestly scared to kill someone. It felt bad to hurt someone but horrible to kill someone. I look at Ed and asked. "Ed?" He looked at me and said. "Yeah?" "Are we, going to kill people?" Ed looked surprised and asked. "Why ask? Of course we're not gonna kill anyone." "I know, but these guns were made to kill people and I don't want that."

I was staring at the gun when Alphonse puts his hand on mine and said. "Their also made to protect. Hawkeye said that to me, saying that guns can kill but they can also defend. We're not gonna kill anyone if we aim right, we can just wound them." I look at him and smiled. "Thank you Al." "Your welcome sister." I hugged him and he hugged back, soon the others came and joined the hug. We were never gonna be separated. Never.


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