Will you marry me

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Cassidy's POV

After the funeral Roy had a talk with the führer and apparently he's planning on destroying the town if me and the other don't turn ourselves in. He was apart of the homoncules gang, Wrath the furious. He was behind of getting us separated and making me into the 8th homoncules, there were currently 7 homoncule and father wanted a 8th one. Me, to be used against my father for immortality.

Right now we were at Resembool square to warn everybody. Roy was taking the lead on this one, we had gathered everyone into town to explain the situation. I stand next to Edward and my team as we watch Roy make his speech in front of the church.

Roy: Can I have everyone's attention please?!

Everyone gave their attention to Roy as he started talking.

Roy: Thank you. My name is colonel Roy Mustang, I'm from the military and I'm probably gonna be executed for treason for this but it's the right thing to do.

Everyone started talking amongst themselves as Roy kept going.

Roy: We have received intel that the military is gonna come here if you don't hand over the Elrics and Rockbell girl and if we don't their gonna destroy the town.

Everyone gasp and someone spoke among the crowd.

Guy: What do they want with those children?!?

Roy: Because the homoncules gang got to them and want to make Cassidy Elric into one of them to be used against her father Van Hohenheim for a secret that he holds but don't worry me and my comrades will protect this town and it's citizens.

The crowd murmured against themselves when one guy said.

Guy two: Well how do we now that your not making this up and just give those kids to the military?!

Roy's eyes widened in shock and said defensively.

Roy: I would never do that!

Guy two: That's what they all say! I told an officer that a rich man stole my crops and didn't do anything about it!

Roy: This is different! We're different!

Guy Two: I don't believe you!

Everyone in the crowd started agreeing with him and started saying things like.

'Let's kill them before they get the children!'

'Let's hang them and hide before the military come and see what happens when you mess with the wrong people!'

'Let's burn them on stakes!'

Before they could say anything further a gunshot rang through the air. They got down holding their ears as Roy looked at the person shocked and surprised, they follow his gaze and see Edward Elric holding a gun in the air with smoke coming out of it. He put the gun on its holster and walked where Roy was and stated loudly.

Edward: All of you are a bunch of idiots.

Everyone looked at him surprised and he continues.

Edward: This guy is warning you about something that'll happen and your first thought is to kill him because you thought he was lying? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Before they could protest Edward said.

Edward: If it wasn't for these three people we would've been in worse places! First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye helped my brother heal from his beatings! Major Alex louis Armstrong helped me with my doubts! Brigadier General Maes helped Winry bring her spirits up! And if it wasn't if this guy, Colonel Roy Mustang, then my sister would've been a homoncules and she'd never smile again! These four people brought up our spirits and helped us stay together but we thought they were gonna separate us but instead brigadier General Maes Hughes was gonna adopt me and my siblings so we could stay together! Maes Hughes was murdered by the same man that raped my sister and made her lose her smile because he was angry after finding out that he was the one who did that to Cassidy! He has a wife and daughter but he knew the risk because he didn't want that happening to his kid as well! And right now these three people are here to protect us from the ones who want to hurt us and protect our town from them as well! They didn't have to but their here now! So, are you just gonna sit there and murmur about something that's not true or are you gonna help us fight the ones who want to take our home!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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