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Clara grabbed her daughter's waist and pulled her back around the corner of school. Clara was furious at that alpha, trying to ruin her plans and her interest in Lauren. It was obvious that they were mates from the alpha's side, but Lauren was still blind of it all. Clara couldn't believe that Normani hasn't told her.

"Lauren, what do you think of Normani?" Clara asked her as they left the school heading over to the black car with tinted windows.

"Um," Lauren starts, since Clara returned to Lauren she hasn't had much free will, Clara's spells and herbs have been doing a job on her.

"I love her." Lauren starts "I'm in love with her. But you come first. And she disrespected you. You're always right." Lauren says and her eyes are glazed over and she stares off into the distance. Her voice has lost all emotion and it makes Clara smile, her daughter was finally perfect.

Clara had only come back because she felt a strong connection from her daughter and the alpha. The moment the young girls met she felt it and had been watching Lauren ever since. She knew she had to stop it and kill the pack that ruined her all those years before.

She had been hoping Derrick was still alpha but destroying his daughter would be just as fun as killing him. So she didn't mind that much.

"Good girl, let's go. I need to teach you some spells. The war will start on Saturday at midnight." Clara hums as she starts the car and leans in against her daughter's cold skin. "I'll even get you a pretty dress."


Allyson was worried. So completely worried about Normani. Even though she would never say how worried she was to Normani she could still feel the fear, stuck in her throat.

So instead of looking for reassurance in her pack mates like she should she instead went to Harry Cast. The new Warlock that was here to help the family with the Clara problem. Allyson actually remember when they use to play together as children and still wonders why he stopped coming around with the pack.

"Allyson..." he hums when he sees her, she had come to his room and simply sat on the bed next to him. "I should thank the lucky stars that I'm seeing you today. What do I owe the pleasure too?"

"I wanna kill Clara," Ally says and Harry's eyes go as wide as saucers.

"Allyson, what are you thinking?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth, and not in the harsh you have got to me kidding me kind of way but actually asking what she wanted to do.
Even though Allyson was one of the oldest in the pack she felt babyed sometimes, which is why she didn't tell anyone about what she wanted to do because they would talk her out of it.

"I stole one of your spell books." Allyson starts pulling it from behind her back, smiling sheepishly and Harry nods.

"I was wondering where that went ."

Allyson smiles again "Sorry, but I found a spell in here that says once you can bind them to yourself if you have some of their blood. Then I can cast a death spell."

"You mean I will cast the death spell. You do realise that death spells are forbidden? And it messes with nature? And nature will bite me in the ass for it, correct?"

"Which is why I was going to do it, you're a good friend to me and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"You're sweet, Allyson. But I can't let you do a death spell either. Killing someone changes you, and added magic into it makes it worse."

Ally let's out a high pitched whine and leans against Harry's shoulder and nudges her head and nose up and down his shoulder.

Everytime Allyson touches Harry she feels warm and relaxed in a way she can never explain. Harry laughs will heartedly.

"I'll see what I can do but no death spells Ally. You hear me? No death spells."

"Okay..." Allyson says "But we can still do something about her though right? I just don't want Normani to be the one to kill her or even Lauren."

"Because you're in love with Normani," Harry says "But you're not mates."

Allyson sighed. Everyone must know how she feels about Normani. "You're right."

"You know she's in love with you too, though. She would protect you from everything and anything. She loves you too."

I nodded "but her mate isn't me."

"You still have love for each other though."

"Just not forever,"

Harry nods "Just not forever."

Allyson knew what that meant, that until she found her mate she would continue to be a lovesick cub the who can't have the one she wants. She wanted to so badly to kiss Normani and be held by her in a way that was more than just pack, she wanted to be her mate.

But she couldn't have that, so she let Harry hold her and she closed her eyes trying to fall asleep, Harry wouldn't complain either, he just held her tight and kissed her forehead.

"Better times will come, I promise." 

Derrick didn’t know if his daughter would be able to handle the stress that was being thrust upon her. He didn’t want her to have to deal with something he couldn’t in the past when he was one of the best alphas to ever be known around the country. But the one enemy he couldn’t defeat was the one to come back want revenge on his pack and family. Now she wanted to come destroy them all, kill them all and probably leave Normani in the world without her pack and family. The worst revenge would be for Derrick because he won’t be able to save his daughter. He could feel his stomach eating it’s self with anger and disapproval. He didn’t know what to do and he didn’t know if he should tell Normani the whole story. If it would affect her in battle in anyway. He was worried what his youngest daughter would think of him after that. He was so worried.

He had spoken to his wife about keeping it a secret but Andrea said he was better than keeping secrets but he wasn’t so sure at all.

He didn’t want to tell his daughter the whole reason this happened was because he was friends with the wrong people and he could have stopped it way back then and chose not to. And now Clara is back ready to take over his home and kill his family. He was worried, worried, worried.

So he watched his daughter relax with the pack now back home, in Dinah’s arms. But I didn’t console her myself. I knew if I did I would tell her everything and I didn’t want too. It wasn’t smart to tell her everything.

She’ll find out soon enough.  

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