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In gym I watched Lauren and her sister run their two laps falling behind and for the first time in about 3 years I didn’t finish first all the people around me look babbled, but I just tried to smile at them and say ‘I wanted to see who could beat me’ but in reality I was watching the almost human girl.

“You know you almost broke your ankle back there.” I say with a soft smile. Both Camila and Lauren were back sitting down at their seats and I had followed them quickly. I directed my words at Lauren and gave her smile “You have to remember when you run to actually pick up your feet okay?”

Lauren raises her eyebrows with a look of surprise and wonder in her eyes as if she didn’t know where I had come from “Yeah… okay I’ll make sure to do that.”

I take that as my opportunity to sit down next to both girls “I’m Normani Hamilton, senior, what about you two?”

“Well I’m Lauren Cabello,” Lauren says and then points to the brown eyed girl “This is my sister Camila Cabello. We just got here earlier this week.”

I nod “I know actually, you two have been talk of the school, boys love when we get shiny new toys.”

Camila blushes crimson and looks down, pushing her thick brown hair behind her and I chuckle. “You don’t have to talk to them if you don’t want too, and trust me you don’t. They’re animals.” I laugh at my own joke.

“So most of the kids are nice here?” Lauren asks putting an arm around her sister; even though they looked nothing alike I could actually tell how in sync they were. It was in the way they walked the way they held their heads and how open they were to new people.

“Mostly, I for the most part just stick with my friends Allyson and Dinah, if you guys ever hear those names you should totally come up and say hi they’ll be happy to show you around and things of that sort.”

“Oh that’s so sweet,” Lauren says

“Yeah and you guys can always find me too.” I say and both girls smile at me.

“Well since you’re here, do you think you can show us the pool after school today?”

Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows actually surprised. “Totally but Ally may tag along. Do you guys like to swim?” I ask looking from Lauren to Camila trying to keep them both engaged in conversation.

“Oh no, not me,” Camila says putting her hands up “Lauren here was on the swim team at our old school. She tried to be on the team here as well but they said she couldn’t because she was too late.” As Camila spoke I watched Lauren and her facial expressions. Her face went slightly blank and her eyes (green most likely is the base color which is what they are now.) go dark and her mouth goes into a sultry pout.

“And now you’re pissed and you want to check out the pool and swim in it after hours?” I continue when Camila stops speaking and both girls look at me with wide eyes and I raise an eyebrow “I mean, it’s written all over your faces. It’s not hard to figure it out.” I say with another smile, I had smiled so much within this conversation my face was beginning to hurt but I needed them to trust me.

“No, it’s not.” Lauren says “You just have great interpretation of people.”

“Hmmm,” I counter “Could be that, or you’re not as smart as you think but hey, no judgment.” 

Both girls stare at me with that same look of surprise and wonder like Lauren had earlier and I almost think I have gone too far when both girls (at the same time – which is freaky) both smile.

“I like this girl,” Lauren says smiling at me and Camila does the same nodding her head. She pulls out her phone and looks at me again “Hey gimme your number so I can call you and so you can show us where the pool is.”

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